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法兰西并不需要科西嘉来使它自己伟大。France needs no Corsica to be great.

如果天气晴朗,更可以远眺科西嘉岛。If the weather were fine, more travellers can Corsica.

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撒丁与科西嘉位于意大利靴形半岛之侧面。Sardinia and Corsica lie on the flank of the long Italian boot.

我们要收回科西嘉岛和整个亚得里亚海海岸线,雷那蒂说。We will get Corsica and all the Adriatic coast-line, Rinaldi said.

他出生在法国就只有大约15个月前开始进入科西嘉岛去。He was born in France just 15 months ago only about access to Corsica.

地中海上的科西嘉岛是法国最大岛屿。Corsica Island on the Mediterranean is maximal island and islet of France.

解放科西嘉!释放法国政治犯,科西嘉独立领导人柯隆纳!Free france political prisoner, the Corsica Independen Leader Yan Colonna.

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拿破仑。波拿巴于1769年出生于科西嘉一个贫苦的家庭。Napoleon Bonaparte was born of poor parents on the island of Corsica in 1769.

在岛上发生了一系列暴动之后,热那亚于1768年把科西嘉割让给法国。Genoa had ceded Corsica to France in 1768, after a series of revolts on the island.

尽管我祖母出生在波多黎各,但她的家人却来自科西嘉岛。Although she was born in Puerto Rico, my grandmother's family was originally from Corsica.

靠近本国的其他岛屿,比如撒丁岛和科西嘉岛是诱人的入侵目标。Close to home, other islands like Sardinia and Corsica make tempting targets for invasion.

支持科西嘉人民为争取自由和独立而战斗的神圣权力!Corsica support of the people for freedom and independence and fighting the sacred powers!

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就像法国部队登陆科西嘉解放拿破仑的故乡一样,。Just as Free French troops landed here in Corsica to liberate the birthplace of Napoleon's,.

今天,环法自行车比赛第一赛段从法属科西嘉岛开始。The first leg of the Tour de France bicycle race began on the French island of Corsica today.

把自己空降到科西嘉岛吧,在没有英雄的年代里做个享乐分子。Please parachute yourself into Corsica and become an enjoyable person in the age without hero.

雅美里亚号从它的左侧四哩处驶过,继续航向科西嘉岛。The Young Amelia left it about four miles away on her left and kept on her course for Corsica.

科西嘉岛上的怪屋是由一整块巨大的卵石筑成的,其突出部分已经用砖给堵住了。The unusual house in Corsica is made out of a large boulder whose overhang has been bricked in.

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我暂时不会回去执教。我计划去皮库岛、卡普雷拉岛、厄尔巴岛和科西嘉岛。Since I'm not going back to coaching for a while, I can propose Pianosa, Capraia, Elba, Corsica.

1769年8月15日,拿破仑•波拿巴出生于地中海科西嘉岛上的阿雅克肖城。Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, on the Mediterranean island of Corsica.

这趟从马赛到突尼斯的航程,经由科西嘉岛以西的航道,大约需21小时。The trip from Marseille to Tunis takes about 21 hours via a route that tracks just west of Corsica.