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他是纨绔子弟。He is a dandy.

但在现实生活中,他却是个游戏人间的花花公子。However, in real life he is a dandy.

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他学习很好,并且有许多好主意。He's well-learned and full of dandy ideas.

嘿!花花公子戴夫波义耳,你还好吗?Hey ! dandy dave boyle, how ' s it hanging.

敌人都跑了,杨基·嘟得儿,时髦哥儿。The enemy all runs away, at Yankee Doodle Dandy.

这实际就是唯美主义浪荡子的艺术主张。This actually is the art of aestheticism dandy ideas.

“这么个情况,”他回答,“我从伯灵顿得到一条绝好的消息。"Well," he said, "I've got a dandy tip on Burlington.

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有钱仔掐着忧郁伟的脖子,脚踏悬崖边。Dandy grabs Daniel by the neck, standing near the cliff.

那个佳公子还吸着烟,因为那肯定是时髦的风尚。This dandy was smoking, for he was decidedly fashionable.

客户利用丹迪直接或间接参与在任何类型的欺诈。Client involves Dandy directly or indirectly in any type of fraud.

约翰的新船棒极了!但愿我也有一条这样的船。John's new boat is really a jim- dandy ! I wish I had one like it.

家里样样事好得很。好像没什么人记挂你。Everything at the house is fine and dandy. Nobody seems to miss you.

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那是三天以前,一切似乎都没问题了。That was three days ago when all seemed well and dandy with the world.

任何一种做兔子的方法都适合用来烹饪松鼠。Any method that's suitable for rabbit should be just dandy with squirrel.

食草男是时髦的都市美男,厌恶武术。Herbivore man is a dandy metrosexual with an abhorrence of martial arts.

未来属于花花公子,而正是这些纨裤子弟将执掌权柄。The future belongs to the dandy. It is the exquisites who are going to rule.

外省佳公子的刺马距比较长,髭须也比较粗野。The provincial dandy wore the longest of spurs and the fiercest of mustaches.

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外省佳公子的刺马距比较长,髭须也比较粗野。The provincial dandy wore the longest of spurs and the fiercest of mustaches.

定期的清理你的硬毛刷,把硬毛刷刷过金属制马梳。Periodically clean your dandy brush by stroking it across the metal curry comb.

在老式传统的纸机上应用的成型工具是水印辊。The traditional formation tool on older slow-speed machines was the dandy roll.