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不排卵有什么症状呢?What are the symptoms do not ovulate ?

女性排卵大熊猫一年只有一次,在春季。Female pandas ovulate only once a year, in the spring.

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一些女孩的第一次排卵甚至可能出现在初潮之前。Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate.

和雄性隔离的雌性很少排卵。Females that are isolated from males very, ah, rarely, ovulate.

妇女排卵期不正常就不易受孕。Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.

与没有处在压力下的猴子相比,她们排卵的可能性要小得多。Compared to the unstressed monkeys, they were much less likely to ovulate.

有些妇女不排卵,因此经常有不正常的时期,Frieder的说。Some women don't ovulate regularly and therefore have irregular periods, Frieder says.

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有些不规则排卵的患者垂体腺分泌过多催乳素。Some women ovulate irregularly because their pituitary glands secrete too much prolactin.

停用口服避孕药后,再次排卵可能延后二周左右。After you stop taking the pill, you may have only a two-week delay before you ovulate again.

在你月经周期过半的时候如果你感觉到疼痛,此时你感觉你的卵巢正在排卵。If you have painful twinges halfway between your periods, you may be feeling your body ovulate.

学习你可以你的周期将有助于确定排卵时,当你的设想。Learning what you can about your cycles will help determine when you ovulate and when you conceived.

方法1、对6-8W龄昆明小白鼠促排卵,处死小鼠后获得小鼠初级囊胚和扩张囊胚。Methed 1. To promote 6-8W small mouse ovulate and obtain early blastocysts and expanded blastocysts.

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通过认识到宫颈粘液性状的改变,可以预测排卵时间。By recognizing the changing characteristics of your cervical mucus, you can predict when you'll ovulate.

它的意思就是我比你高,比你更智慧,而且我会做许多了不起的事情,比如吸烟和排卵。It means that I'm taller than you, and smarter, and that I get to do lots of awesome things, like smoke cigarettes and ovulate.

感染后11周左右,虫体有自然消失趋向,但再次感染后,虫体仍可发育成熟并从粪中排出虫卵。Most of the parasite disappear spontaneously about 11 weeks, but the schistosome still can grow and ovulate well after reinfection.

在滤泡期,将会有一颗卵泡脱颖而出---一颗含有卵子的卵泡---成长,并成为一颗成熟的卵子。In the follicular phase, a dominant ovarian follicle—which is a sack that contains the ova, or egg—grows, becoming ready to ovulate.

亚热带的冬季气候对马尾松雌球果的生长发育没有明显的抑制作用。The sub-tropical winter weather has no apparent inhibition for the growth and development of the ovulate strobilus in Pinus massoniana.

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当女人进入30岁时,卵子的质量下降,且排卵也不如以前频繁-即使你依然拥有规律的月经周期。As you reach your 30s, your eggs may decline in quality and you may ovulate less frequently, even if you're still having regular periods.

大多数卵泡在发育过程中发生闭锁而消失,只有少数可以发育到成熟而排卵。Most of the follicles undergo atresia during the process of follicular development and then disappear, only a few of them mature and ovulate.

几周之后,两只蜥蜴互换角色重复交配过程从而使得另一只雌性得以排卵。Then, a few weeks later, the two lizards switch roles and repeat this process so that the second female will be able to ovulate and lay her eggs.