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法国北部亚眠城东北一小镇。A town of northern France northeast of Amiens.

盟国发射成功反攻在马恩和亚眠。Allies launch successful counter-offensives at the Marne and Amiens.

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亚眠的巴黎圣母院在晨雾中若隐若现。The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Amiens looms in the early morning mist.

路易的判决1264年在亚眠公布,被称为“亚眠协定”。Louis' judgment was issued at Amiens in January 1264, and was known as the Mise of Amiens.

可想而知,孟福尔立即否定了亚眠协定,接着武装斗争爆发了。Predictably, de Montfort repudiated the Mise of Amiens immediately, and armed conflict broke out.

历史学家将拿破仑战争战争追溯到1803年,当时英国在短暂的“亚眠和平”后向法国宣战。Historians date the Napoleonic wars from 1803, when Britain declared war on France after the brief Peace of Amiens.

法国北部城市,位于亚眠西北偏北的英吉利海峡。源于凯尔特人,是法国第一个渔港。人口47,653。A city of northern France on the English Channel north-northwest of Amiens. Of Celtic origin, it is the leading fishing port of France. Population, 47,653.

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法国北部城市,位于亚眠西北偏北的英吉利海峡。源于凯尔特人,是法国第一个渔港。人口47,'53。A city of northern France on the English Channel north-northwest of Amiens. Of Celtic origin, it is the leading fishing port of France. Population, 47, '53.

在1918年亚眠遭到了惨烈的爆炸,继而1940年亚眠又遭到了炮击,这使得该城的大部分估计被毁,但是大教堂却在不断的战争与革命中屹立了数个世纪。Amiens was heavily bombed in1918, and shelling in1940 destroyed much of the city's ancient heart, but the grand cathedral has survived centuries of war and revolution.

亚眠在1918年被严重轰炸,1940年大部分城市中心地带被炮击,但是这个宏伟的教堂却在一个世纪的战争和革命之中幸存下来。Amiens was heavily bombed in 1918, and shelling in 1940 destroyed much of the city's ancient heart, but the grand cathedral has survived centuries of war and revolution.

我都是通过这个工具了解到那些景点的,但令我感到遗憾的是它没有向我介绍亚眠市的圣诞市场,这表明它还缺少一些季节性景点和特别活动的介绍。It came back with the attractions I´d expect, but the absence of the Amiens Christmas market suggests it doesn´t do seasonal attractions or special events, which is a pity.