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这人说话太出位,在写字楼里没有朋友。The bombastic man has no friends in the office.

那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语。The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence.

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相比前生,他听起来在此生更为夸夸其谈。He sounds even more bombastic in this life than the previous existence.

汤姆的荣升并未导致他在聚会上夸夸其谈。Tom's increase in importance did not lead him to do bombastic speeches at the party.

汤姆的荣升并未导致他在聚会上夸夸其谈。Tom's increase in importance did not lead him to make bombastic speeches at the party.

推翻利比亚好好战的上校许多人手,但是在他之后进行清理则需要更多的人手。Many hands toppled Libya’s bombastic colonel. Even more will be needed to clean up after him.

言过其实的自夸——“我们定位于成为XYZ的卓越供应商”——并不能构建其地位。Bombastic boasts—"We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ"—do not constitute a position.

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球员们相信如果乔丹一直呆在布鲁克林的话,他的球风一定会有所不同——更加的古怪,更加的夸张。The players believe Jordan's game would have been different had he stayed here -- more outlandish, more bombastic.

一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。A bombastic portuguese legislatorgavean impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year.

时而和蔼时而严厉,大不净者用高声的赞扬和夸张的哄骗引领着他的军团。Alternately jovial and stern, a Great Unclean One commands his legion with affectionate bellows of praise and bombastic cajoling.

德米特里•肖斯塔科维奇夸大其辞的“列宁格勒”交响曲在1942年8月对敌广播,加深了这种印象。Dmitri Shostakovich's bombastic "Leningrad" symphony, broadcast towards enemy lines in August 1942, has cemented this impression.

迪米特里·肖斯塔科维奇浮夸的“列宁格勒”交响乐在1942年8月向敌方阵线播送,又加强了这样的印象。Dmitri Shostakovich’s bombastic “Leningrad” symphony, broadcast towards enemy lines in August 1942, has cemented this impression.

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真正开始将演化逻辑程序的空洞想法付诸实践的是约翰•柯扎,斯坦福大学的一位计算机科学教授。The bombastic notion of evolving logic programs has been taken up in earnest by John Koza, a professor of computer science at Stanford.

你可以在YouTube上看到整个的演讲.公平地说,它一定闻名于这显然是一个"恢复政党的信心"的成员,一直是一种夸夸其谈的风格.有一点没错,他的腔调是令人难以忍受的.他一定会为他已经发布的关于自己的文字而后悔的."It must in fairness be noted that this is obviously a "rallying the party faithful" number, always a bombastic genre. That said, his tone is insufferable.

一些共和党领导人还是十分谨慎的言过其实的亿万富翁和坚持他们不会支持他,即使在对克林顿的对峙。Some Republican leaders remain acutely wary of the bombastic billionaire and have insisted they could never support him, even in a faceoff against Clinton.

当艾迪·伊扎德在将英国电影与哗众取宠的好莱坞电影做比较时,他那戏谑英国电影沉闷无聊的段子还是很经典的。There e's a great Eddie Izzard sketch where he pokes fun at the morose inactivity of British film when compared with the bombastic sensationalism of Hollywood.

极端民族主义的金氏家族在首都平壤地区有着一定的支持率,在平壤,有着高昂的士兵方阵和虚妄的高楼大厦。The Kim family brand of extreme, race-based nationalism has support in parts of the capital, Pyongyang, with its goose-stepping parades and bombastic high-rises.

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阿德里安·陈——从他的言过其实的OKCupid配置文件到给一个19岁女孩的情书中,维基泄密的创始人朱利安·阿桑格表现出一些奇怪的浪漫倾向。Adrian Chen — From his bombastic OKCupid profile to his creepy love letters to a 19-year-old girl, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has some strange romantic proclivities.

随着晚间安保工作的加强,越来越多的家庭携幼扶老,涌向了的黎波里的绿色广场——现已改名为“烈士广场”——当年,卡扎菲就是在这里屡次发表了蛊惑人心的演说。As security improves with each night, more and more families flock into the city’s iconic Green Square—now renamed Martyrs’ Square—where Gaddafi once delivered his bombastic speeches.

在他们的地盘上,各种浮夸豪华的建筑耸立而起,这是建筑师和政客们的自我放荡,与居民生活毫不相关。Beijing's inhabitants have been shunted into tower blocks on the city's edges. In their place rise vast bombastic structures, architects' and politicians' self-indulgences with no civic context.