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我在烹饪方面的未来主义实验凑效了。My Futurist experiment in cooking has worked.

未来学家乔治格力德描述世界经济是依靠沙子,玻璃和空气。Futurist George Gilder describes world where the economy is based on sand, glass and air.

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这些,虽然这符合未来主义诗的规律和要求,却很难被归于文学范畴。This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, and hardly be classed as Literature.

尽管这符合未来派诗歌的规则和要求,却很难被归入文学之列。This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature.

然而关于未来派诗歌,情况就复杂得多,因为不管未来派诗歌到底是什么,—即使承认它有正确的理论基础——我们都很难称之为文。With regard to futurist poetry,however,the case is rather difficult,for whatever futurist poetry may be—even admitting

还有加加林从一个富有象征意义的环中飞过的奇特的未来派雕塑,就坐落在宇航员公寓得前面。There's a bizarre futurist sculpture of him flying through a symbolic ring in front of the so-called Cosmonaut's House.

我发现最有效的办法是要避免一般杂志和未来主义专家所谈论的大趋势。The approach I find that works best is to avoid the generalist publications and futurist pundits who talk about big trends.

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未来成为现实,最早是在科幻小说里,所以超前的未来派艺术家赛得·米德起码比我们领先两个时代。Science fiction is where the future happens first, and that puts futurist Syd Mead at least two steps ahead of the rest of us.

这位发明家、哲学家、和未来学家是他的家族第五位进入哈佛学习的人,但是也是首位没有毕业的人。The inventor, philosopher, and futurist was the fifth generation of his family to enroll at Harvard and the first not to graduate.

马里内蒂是未来主义运动的创立者和领导者,已然给这个世界带来了未来主义的艺术、文学、音乐已经建筑。Marinetti, inventor and leader of the Futurist movement, had already given the world Futurist art, literature, music and architecture.

受到鼓舞的设计应以程式化的印象中世纪铠装,用现代和未来学家的材料和设计修改。The designs should be inspired by stylized impressions of medieval armoring, using modern and futurist materials and design revisions.

不管什么样的未来主义诗歌甚至声称它依据的理论是正确的,它也几乎不可能被划归为文学。Whatever futurist poetry may be even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right, it can hardly be classed as literature.

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未来学家奈斯比特认为,在新的社会中,关键的战略资源已转变为信息、知识和创造性。Futurist Naisi thinks that information, knowledge and creativeness have changed into information, knowledge and creativeness in new society.

他是个未来派,有背景,也足够可靠,能让国家工程学会对他那套乐天派的太阳能预言感冒。He is a futurist with a track record and enough credibility for the National Academy of Engineering to publish his sunny forecast for solar energy.

约瑟夫那时并不知道,他的想法与著名的95岁的未来设计者雅克·法斯科和他组织的金星计划是一致的。FrescoJoseph didn’t know it, but his ideas were directly in line with those of renowned 95-year-old futurist Jacque Fresco and his organization The Venus Project.

然而,网络媒体集团创始人、数字媒体未来主义者艾米·韦伯预测,在约10到20年后,至少八种职业将很快“面临洗牌”。Yet Amy Webb, a digital media futurist and founder of Webbmedia Group, predicts at least eight career fields are "ripe for disruption" very soon -- like in the next 10 to 20 years.