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万般无奈,萨拉只好帮助X-23毁掉FACILITY并且杀掉桑德尔。With no other recourse, Sarah helped X-23 destroy the Facility and kill Zander.

就如我在2007年时候通过电话告诉Zander的,我感觉他正在致使公司走向大的失败。As I told Zander in a phone call in 2007, I felt that he was setting the company up for massive failure.

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但是因为Zander和你这样的人的存在,摩托罗拉象征着我们国家企业文化中恶劣的一种。But with people such as Zander and yourself, Motorola symbolizes the worst of our country's corporate culture.

同时,詹德仍然从弗罗斯特的工作中获得回报,RAZR手机在随后的几年中继续带来了数十亿美元的利润。Meanwhile, Ed Zander continued to reap the dividends of Geoffrey's work as the company made billions in profit from overselling the RAZR for years.

普林斯·鲍本将在本周对阵阿伯丁的比赛中为邓迪联队出场,队长李·威基也会登场,同时,另一员大将赞德·戴梦得也已经从阿喀琉斯之踵中康复。Prince Buaben will be available for Dundee United's trip to Aberdeen, as will the captain, Lee Wilkie, while Zander Diamond has overcome an Achilles tendon injury.

对西方的自由主义与民主政治所面临的困境,中国儒家传统中含有许多与桑德尔所开药方相通的一致之处。For the difficult situation faced by the western liberalism and democratic politics, traditional Chinese Confucianism contains solutions similar to those of Zander.

在鲑鱼和海鳟从波罗的海到马拉伦湖洄游时捕渔,同时还能钓到其他种类更为一般的鱼,如河鲈、梭子鱼、梭鲈和波罗的海青鱼。Here salmon and sea trout are caught on their migration from the Baltic to Lake Malaren. Among the more humble species to be hooked are perch, pike, zander and Baltic herring.

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瑞典检察机关发言人卡林·罗桑德尔曾就此对媒体解释说,之所以发生了这起事件,是因为首席检察官在看了更多的卷宗后,修正了裁决。Swedish prosecutors have Zander spokesman Kalin Luo explained this to the media, the incident occurs, because the chief prosecutor, looked at more files, the revised decision.

美施威尔中国是一家总部设在德国斯图加特,在高科技制造厂房总承包领域占世界领先地位的公司。Zander China is part of the global M W Zander Holding AG with head office in Stuttgart, Germany. We are a leading international supplier of turnkey high-tech manufacturing plants.

科学家桑德尔。瑞斯的父亲是被武器X杀害的,他怨恨X-23,并且操纵她杀掉FACILITY的总头目,然后由他对这个项目进行总控制。Scientist ZANDER RICE, whose father was killed by Weapon X, had projected his hate onto X-23 and manipulated her into killing the head of the Facility, giving him total control over the project.

前任首席执行官埃德-詹德对此没有任何兴趣,并坚持与史蒂夫-乔布斯合作开发注定不会成功ROKR,希望推动股价上涨。Your predecessor, Ed Zander , had little interest in this, and instead insisted on parlaying his relationship with Steve Jobs into the ill-fated ROKR effort in order to prop up Motorola's stock price.