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真爱之路从来不平坦。Te road to true love never flat.

所有的工作都完成了,你们可以休息了。All te ork done, you can ave a rest.

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我队以悬殊比分击败他们的队。Our te am beat theirs by a big score.

今天是新学期的第一天。Today is the first day of te new term.

我爱你,我爱你,她害怕的不敢呼吸。Te amo, te amo, shes scared to breathe.

我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。I don't regret te lling her what I thought.

夺命书生,当年你用计打赢了我爹。Evil Scholar, you trapped my dad in te duel.

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现在就把它写下来,不要依赖你的记忆力。Wri te it down now. Don't rely on your memory.

戴安全带能大大减低受伤的机会。Wearing seat belts greatly reduces te injury risk.

今晚不要忘了把钟表拨回一小时。Don't for get to put te clock back an hour tonight.

然后把金属缓慢地向前移再向后移。Then move te ball slowly forward and then backward.

慝是道在万物里面的显示。Te is the manifestation of the Tao within all things.

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其余处理同组织工程全层组。The rest management was same as TE whole-layer group.

我说,我爱你,难道没有人告诉我她说的是什么。I said te amo, wouldnt somebody tell me what she said.

哦,乘我还没有忘记,你把信送给皮金斯先生了吗?Oh, I know what I meant to ask you, has Mr Westgate te.

听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?Ever hear of te ile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity?

仙粉黛红葡萄酒以及隆河谷葡萄酒通常被形容为具有香料味的。Red Zinfandel and C?te du Rhone often described as spicy.

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官员们到齐后,就宣布开会。All te officials aving arrived mte meeting as declared open.

文中列出了碲镉汞光电二极管结电容的测量结果。The measurement results for Hg Cd Te photodiodes are presented.

波旁王室回国周年纪念日举行了一次大弥撒。At the Te Deum on the anniversary of the return of the Bourbons.