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贝壳的回廊上那些带着异兆的伤。The portent wound in corridors of shells.

但是这预示着美国不乐观的未来。But it is a miserable portent for the future.

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但是一月份申请人数的增加是一个令人担忧的预兆。But January’s rise in the claimant count is a worrying portent.

不过,阁下您听说昨天夜里人们看见的征兆了吗?But did your reverence hear of the portent that was seen last night?

头发突然脱落是患免役性疾病的征兆。That hair comes off abruptly is trouble nature disease exempt from service portent.

这种升华可能危险,但并非不详或者是善恶的征兆。The sublime may be dangerous, but it is not inauspicious or a portent of good or evil.

ET可能是导致血管收缩,引起先兆症状的重要因子。ET might be the important factor to cause vasoconstriction, resulting in the portent symptoms.

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因此,满月本身并不危险,而是一个黑暗降临的预兆。Thus, the full moon is not dangerous in itself but is instead a portent of the darkness to come.

第三,我们相信和实际发现同样重要的是,这个储藏库本身。Third, and we believe that this is equal in portent to the actual discovery, there is the storehouse itself.

还有呢,更多可怕的还在后面,这只是个警告罢了。And there will be more of this. In a terrible, terrible way this is a portent of things to come and a warning.

后面的黑色预兆新的原子时代的希望所在,抓住与信仰,我们的救赎工作。Behind the black portent of the new atomic age lies a hope which, seized upon with faith, can work our salvation.

这可能是目前发生的最接近真正水资源战争的冲突,而且有可能预示着其他冲突的来临。That is probably the nearest thing to a real water war being fought today, and may perhaps be a portent of others to come.

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耶和华说,我仆人以赛亚怎样露身赤脚行走三年,作为关乎埃及和古实的豫兆奇迹。Then the LORD said, Just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and barefoot for three years, as a sign and portent against Egypt and Cush.

耶和华说,我仆人以赛亚怎样露身赤脚行走三年,作为关乎埃及和古实的预兆奇迹。Then the Lord said, 'Just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and barefoot for three years, as a sign and portent against Egypt and Cush.

再行87公里,路边有一个孤儿院,成了上世纪60年代以来最大变化的一个预兆,使人感到不寒而栗。More sinisterly, after 87km, an orphanage now stands by the road. This turns out to be a portent of one of the biggest changes since the 1960s.

分析发病时间与诱因,排尿与昏厥的关系,昏厥前征兆、临床症状和心电图乏氏试验。Onset of illness and evoke factor, relation between miction and syocope, portent symptome of syocope and valsalva's test of electrocardiogram were analyzed.

中国的经济能力将变得更大更强,目前中国利用她可能获得的极少的双边政治优势对未来来说也是一个令人担忧的前兆。A China that uses its might bilaterally to gain narrow political advantages would be a worrying portent for the future when China becomes economically bigger and stronger.

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虽然这一惊人的预兆和蓝龙之间的联系尚不明朗,但是阿纳克洛斯已经号召那些他眼中的“短命”种族前往一探究竟。The link between this chilling portent and the blue dragons remains unclear, but Anachronos has called upon what some of his kind deem the "short-lived" races to investigate further.

很多疾病在发病前都有征兆,下面高科高电位治疗仪就给大家介绍一下20种病前征兆。Have portent before many diseases coming on, Gaokegao electric potential cures an instrument underneath introducing that the once falls ill among 20 front portent for everybody right away.