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他们未能谆谆教诲使学生们爱好知识。They fail to inculcate student with love of knowledge.

我们未能通过谆谆教诲使学生们热爱知识。We failed to inculcate students with love of knowledge.

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艺术欣赏可以在孩子年龄小的时候加以灌输。Art appreciation can be inculcate to children at young age.

它几乎可以被称为一种宗教,因为它没有灌输崇拜任何神。It can hardly be called a religion, as it does not inculcate the worship of any god.

父母可以和子女讨论网络犯罪话题以助于灌输给他们适当的道德规范。You can help inculcate proper ethics in your children by discussing e-crime with them.

灌输同心协力的认识,创造经济理想也是需要灵感的。Inspiration is necessary to inculcate the sense of unity, and to create economic ideals.

“专业技术与道德品质同时传授、身体素质与内在修养共同提高”是我们的根本宗旨。Our vision is to inculcate moral values for higher attainment of physical and mental well being.

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据说早睡早起是一个有利于智力与健康的好习惯。One hears about the virtues of early to bed and early to rise which supposedly inculcate wisdom and good health.

一条训练自己新习惯的捷径是将这些新习惯和我们已有的习惯“链接”在一起。As several self-help authors note, one sneaky way to inculcate new habits is to "chain" them to things you already do.

他们和那些忠实受众完全不同,而后者是你期望通过长时间的信息灌输来培养的。They are the exact opposite of a loyal audience, the kind that you might expect, over time, to inculcate with your message.

尽管很多中国人都喜欢美国文化,但任何向中国人灌输美国价值观的做法都是有风险的。While many in China are fond of American culture, any attempt to inculcate Chinese people with American values can be risky.

他是纽兰与梅·阿切尔的头生儿子,但向他灌输最基本的矜持原则都办不到。He was the first-born of Newland and May Archer, yet it had never been possible to inculcate in him eventhe rudiments of reserve.

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当他的同胞们还在鼓吹“文以载道”之时,爱伦·坡的小说却呈现出惊人的独创性和现代性。When his compatriots was advertising "inculcate a moral", the novels of Allan Poe had been demonstrating surprising originality and modernity.

这看起来可能是显而易见的,但泰国的公共卫生官员用了数年时间开展宣传,向性工作者灌输了这一态度。As obvious as this may seem, it took years of campaigning on the part of Thailand’s public health officials to inculcate this attitude among sex workers.

在过去二十年来,美国和它的欧洲盟友们一直认为能向世界其他地方灌输他们的经济和政治主张。Over the past two decades, the US and its European allies believed that they could inculcate the rest of the world with their economic and political principles.

争论之际,却正是红色文化活动响遍全中国的时候,中国政府试图通过引导人们唱“红色”或爱国歌曲来提高忠诚度。This controversy comes as a Red Culture campaign convulses China, in a government-directed attempt to inculcate loyalty through singing "red" or patriotic songs.

适当安排学校课程,避免主流文化思维的强力灌输,尊重非主流文化的差异。Appropriate arrangements for the school curriculum, to avoid thinking of the powerful mainstream culture inculcate respect for cultural differences, non-mainstream.

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你会发现传教士,虽然对他们谆谆教导,但这些狡猾的附加条件,破坏了传教士的初衷。You can see that these cunningly insinuated provisos to the attitude that the missionary wants to inculcate in them in a very real way completely undermines his purpose.

除了给上述这些学校命名了许多左翼分子的名字以外,政府那么多所谓的“学术”机构,试图给我的年轻人的头脑里灌输些什么呢?Aside from the Leftists many of these schools are named after, what do many government institutions of "learning" so-called, seek to inculcate into the mindset of our youngsters?

人类学家或许会说,毕业典礼是一种标志社会状态变化的过渡性仪式,因此也迫使人们思考他们希望传递给下一代怎样的价值观。As an anthropologist might say, they are a liminal ritual that marks a changing social state, and thus forces people to reflect on the values they want to inculcate in the next generation.