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这些偶然的时刻是无价的。These encounters are educationally priceless.

从教育角度看,全国统考是不合理的。The national tests were educationally unsound.

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理解,但是,国家在教育上的经费是有限的。Understand, but, the country is in educationally funds is finite.

他们被认为是历来”在职业与教育上最雄心万丈的一代”。They are found the most occupationally and educationally ambitious generation ever.

即便最高超的教学,也不如孩子自发的原动力能让他学得多。A child's motivation is more educationally productive than the most skilled teaching.

如果孩子们不能在教学中学到应有的,家长们理应收到追究。Parents need to be held accountable if their homeschooled kids can't cut it educationally.

20从教育学的角度而言,孩子在上学期间做兼职工作将会浪费许多宝贵的时间。Educationally speaking, taking part-time jobs during the schooling may waste students’ precious studying time.

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城市白领女性受过良好的教育,事业有成,一般很难与比自己条件差的男人结婚。City white-collar women who have succeeded educationally and professionally are the least likely to marry down.

助教们自己组织了一个委员会,希望能在教育方面为这个城镇做点什么。The assistant masters formed a committee of their own to consider what could be done educationally for the town.

他们希望从生活中获得什么呢?他们被认为是历来“在职业与教育上最雄心万丈的一代。”What do they want out of life? They are found the most occupationally and educationally ambitious generation ever.

最后归纳正义论观点在我国教育政策公平上有何启示。At end, an enlightenment of justice theory from educationally equal chance is referred for future educational policy.

从教育学的角度而言,大学生在上学期间做兼职工作将会浪费许多宝贵的时间。--二三段均可用。Educationally speaking, taking part-time jobs during the schooling may waste university students' precious studying time.

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他被认为是教育上的残疾人,需要父母和老师很大的耐心。He was classified as educationally handicapped and required a great deal of patience on the part of his parents and teachers.

一方面,我赞成这位学者的预期,美国将继续保持繁荣并在教育和科学方面保持领先。On the one hand, I do share this scholar's expectation that the United States will remain prosperous and educationally and scientifically advanced.

这将会帮助学生们在一个支持他们学习和完成学业的环境中使用有挑战性的材料在学习方面尽到自己的最大努力。This will help students do their best educationally with challenging materials in an environment that supports learning and authentic accomplishment.

金融危机只是使这个漩涡更深了。因此我们的恢复手段必须广而灵活,同时刺激财政和教育。The financial crisis just made the hole deeper, which is why our stimulus needs to be both big and smart, both financially and educationally stimulating.

美国人的「棕色化」将对美国社会从政治、经济、教育到价值观和文化产生重大影响。Without any doubt, the brownization of America will make a great impact on American society politically, economically, educationally , socially, and culturally.

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同样,接受教育比较慢的学生可能就会需要特殊的课程资料,更小的班级,或者个人辅导来帮助他们掌握学习资料。Similarly, educationally disadvantaged students may require special curriculum materials, smaller classes, or individual tutoring to help them master the material presented.

目前已形成了包括专科、本科、研究生、博土生在内的完整的教育技术学科专业体系。Currently, it has formed integrated professional system with educationally technical subjects with the academic students, undergraduate students, graduate students and doctors.

文章着重论述了建教育强省提出的依据和背景,教育强省的内涵,界定教育强省的基本要求和主要标尺等问题。This article mainly deals with the basis and background of the proposal to build an educationally powerful province, outlines its intensions, defines its basic requirements and standards.