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他们住在一个非常有益絔档牡厍?。They live in a very salubrious area.

他们居住在清洁的环境里。They live in a salubrious neighbourhood.

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肯尼顿是伦敦一个不起眼的小地方。Kennington is a not particularly salubrious part of London.

而其他雇主采取的措施就没这么舒适了。Other employers have resorted to less salubrious solutions.

去那儿呼吸独特的清爽空气,享受那里原始时代的纯静湖泊。Go there for unique and salubrious air, to enjoy the primeval purity of tarns.

除了在纸张上的胜利,对人的健康效果也很早被认识到。Paper victories aside, the salubrious effect on humans was also recognized early on.

她是我们的炼金术士,她把生活中一切美好的东西融为和谐的力量。she shall be our alchemist, to mingle all the good of life in one salubrious draught.

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有益和有害的政府信息之间的界线并不那么容易划分。The lines between salubrious and unwholesome government information are not easy to draw.

但和之前的发现不一致的是,分析显示得到想要的并不总是让人愉快的。But unlike previous findings, this analysis showed that getting what one wants is not always salubrious.

虽然酒精是一种镇静剂,其益处之一可能来自于酒精对心态的益康效应。Although alcohol is a depressant, some of its benefits may derive from its salubrious effect on our mood.

认为云台山风景名胜区气候资源十分优越,海滨旅游资源优势非常突出。It is concluded that Mt. Yuntai Scenic Spot is endowed with a salubrious climate and rich coastal tourist resources.

精神病学家早在300多年前就发现,在大自然工作有益于健康。Psychiatrists discovered more than 300 years ago that working outdoors in the midst of nature has salubrious effects.

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这些有益的效果最有可能表现为应激下降、抗炎症和抗氧化作用。These salubrious effects appear to be most likely due to stress-reducing, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects.

旁边一盘青菜,自己加入汤中烫烫,挤半片柠檬入碗,十分清爽可口。Get the green vegetable besides in hot soup and pit half a piece of lemon to your bowl, it is so salubrious and tasty.

但当我和杨交谈,问题变得很明显,如果他选择住在其他光鲜一点的地方,那却是他无法承担的。But as Yang and I talked it became apparent that he could afford to live somewhere much more salubrious if he chose to.

它可以叫做俄罗斯的“肺”。去那儿呼吸独特的清爽空气,享受那里原始时代的纯静湖泊。It is may be called “the lungs” of Russia. Go there for unique and salubrious air, to enjoy the primeval purity of tarns.

虽然我们只是处于中产阶级边缘的家庭,但我们家远处的风景十分迷人,空气也十分清爽。Our social contacts were limited to the middle-class side of it, but the farther scene was sightly and the air salubrious.

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更让人觉得身心愉快的地方是那些建得更宽大的酒馆,在那里可以提供食物、马厩和各种类型的餐厅及会议室。More salubrious were inns, much larger establishments, which might offer food, stabling for horses, and a variety of dining and meeting rooms.

这是哈佛大学和圣地亚哥的加州大学研究员的研究结果。Harvard and the University of California at San Diego, who report in the British Medical Journal online that happiness spreads among people like a salubrious disease.

本文介绍了一种新型清爽型乳酸菌饮料的生产配方及制作工艺,并分析了该产品的稳定性和特点。The recipe and preparation of a new salubrious lactobacillus drink were introduced in the paper. Stability and characteristics of this drink were also analyzed in our study.