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现在她主持“开心辞典”。Now she hosts Quiz Show.

智力竞赛节目什么时候播放?What time is Quiz Show on?

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我们再做一个小测试Here's another little quiz.

我现在要给你一个小考。I will now give you a quiz.

我今天有个数学小考。I have a quiz on math today.

我们下周将有小考。We'll have a quiz next week.

让我先考考你啊。Let me give you a quiz first.

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一经学生开始小考。Once students begin the quiz.

我们下个中文小考是什么时候?When is our next Chinese quiz?

预习我们的第一个单字小测。Prepare for our first vocab quiz.

至少在测验之前两周。At least two weeks before the quiz.

我批改了学生们的小考试卷。I marked the students' quiz papers.

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那好,我可要考考你了啊。Good. Then I'll have a quiz for you.

我通常很喜欢电视的智力竞赛节目。I often enjoy television quiz shows.

明天我们要以作业2为基础进行第二次测验。Tomorrow Quiz 2 based on Homework 2.

我喜欢看“开心辞典”节目。I like to watch the Quiz Show Program!

我想这一次我能通过小考。I think I can pass the quiz this time.

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接受宏测验的越来越薄吧!Accept the challange of Macro Quiz now!

我们在一次酒店游戏赢得一瓶威士忌酒。We won a bottle of whisky at a pub quiz.

我会建议把这些条款作成一个小测验。I would suggest turning them into a quiz.