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廉价珠宝是华而不实的装饰品。A bauble is a showy ornament of little value.

那个小摆设不能与这个大宝石相比较。That little bauble is not to be compared with this enormous jewel.

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这孩子非常喜欢摸彩袋赢得的那个小玩意儿。The child was delighted with the bauble she had won in the grab bag.

同时让我们回到劳沙小镇,圣诞之旅几乎要到2010年才结束。Meanwhile back in Lauscha, the Christmas bauble pilgrimage is almost over for 2010.

这条通往玻璃圣诞树古屋的路是一条崎岖而漫长的路。The road to the ancient home of the glass Christmas tree bauble is a long and treacherous one.

但相对于法国队已经取得的荣誉,以及将要争取的奖项,这似乎微不足道。But that trophy was a small bauble compared to the ones France have already won and plan to win again.

管理IMF的工作不应该被当做是富裕欧洲国家手中的玩具。The job of running the IMF should never have been treated as a bauble to be handed around rich European countries.

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对戴维来说,这个不仅仅是一个装在拥挤的首饰盒中的小玩意,而是一个向世界宣布他对我的爱,戴在我手臂的爱。To David, this was not just one more bauble in an already overcrowded jewelry box. Rather, this was his love displayed on my arm for all the world to see.

树上没有必要将每一个装饰物都挂得很完美,烤土豆不必像戈登拉姆齐那样的好吃,你也没必要要求自己做个完美的主人。The tree doesn't have to have every bauble hung perfectly, the roast potatoes don't have to be like Gordon Ramsay's and you don't have to be the perfect host.

在这个特别的星期六,来自德国各地数百名游客,乘坐旅游巴士来享受劳沙市一年一度的圣诞玻璃之旅,或者说玻璃派对。On this particular Saturday, hundreds of visitors in dozens of tour buses from all around Germany have made the trip to Lauscha's annual Christmas "Kugelmarkt," or glass bauble market.

在这个特别的星期六,来自德国各地数百名游客,乘坐旅游巴士来享受劳沙市一年一度的圣诞玻璃之旅,或者说玻璃派对。On this particular Saturday, hundreds of visitors in dozens of tour buses from all around Germany have made the trip to Lauscha's annual Christmas "Kugelmarkt, " or glass bauble market.