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标识符的长度没有限制。Identifiers can be of any length.

所有长标识符都受支持All long identifiers are supported

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组件拥有双亲和标识符。Components have parents and identifiers.

属性值必须是标识符或字符串。Attribute values must be identifiers or strings.

假名性是将假名作为标志符的用法。Pseudonymity is the use of pseudonyms as identifiers.

如果您像我一样,会拥有很多标识符或用户名。If you're like me, you own many identifiers or userids.

这里您可以看到不同的线程标识符等内容。Here you can see differing thread identifiers and so on.

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令牌是单独的关键字、符号和标识符。Tokens are individual keywords, symbols, and identifiers.

所以,对于演讲者,我们仍旧使用片段标识。So, we introduce fragment identifiers for the speakers as well.

这些标识经常称为“cookie”或“票券”。Such identifiers are often referred to as "cookies" or "tickets".

您可以在名称列表文件中指定任意数目的标识符。You can specify any number of identifiers in the name listing file.

有些标识是杂交,或符号和标识的组合。Some identifiers are hybrid, or combinations of symbol and logotype.

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目录服务已经用完了相对标识号池。The directory service has exhausted the pool of relative identifiers.

副本标识符的用户数据绑定支持安全的自动修复。Binding user data with replica identifiers supports secure auto-repair.

一个旗语标识符的最大号码的系统宽度限制。SEMMNI A system-wide limit on the maximum number of semaphore identifiers.

该实现必须返回一个给定的逻辑片标识符中。The implementation must return one of the given logical slice identifiers.

建议明确地枚举这些逻辑标识。It is recommended, though, to enumerate the logical identifiers explicitly.

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除了组件之外,您只能使用简单的标识符重命名UML元素。Except for components, you can only rename UML elements with simple identifiers.

这是不允许的,因为代码不能从只写标识符中读取值。This is not allowed because code cannot read values from write-only identifiers.

为了提高访问速度,这些标识符通常都与视图中的索引关联在一起。For speed of access, these identifiers are typically related to indexes on views.