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再也没有人需要迈克·马力甘和玛丽安。No one wanted Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne any more.

勃克·穆利根从右肩侧过他那半边刮好的脸。Buck Mulligan showed a shaven cheek over his right shoulder.

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迈克·马力甘有一辆蒸汽挖土机,一辆漂亮的红色蒸汽挖土机。Mike Mulligan had a Steam Shovel, a beautiful red steam shovel.

电影卡司包括西亚李毕福,凯莉墨理根和乔许布洛林。The film also stars Shia LaBeouf, Carey Mulligan and Josh Brolin.

勃克·穆利根凄惨地叹了口气,把手搭在斯蒂芬的胳膊上。Buck Mulligan sighed tragically and laid his hand on Stephen's arm.

凯芮·穆里根有一个狂热“粉丝”,而这个“粉丝”并不畏惧把自己对她的着迷告诸天下。Carey Mulligan has one huge fan—and he’s not afraid to tell the world about it.

让他做新市政楼的焚烧炉,而迈克·马力甘做这里的守卫,这样就不用买新的焚烧炉了。Let her be the furnace for the new town hall and let Mike Mulligan be the janitor.

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勃克·穆利根朝镜下瞅了一眼,赶快阖上钵。Buck Mulligan peeped an instant under the mirror and then covered the bowl smartly.

至于说成为新生代的奥黛丽·赫本,穆里根说她很有自知之明,她只是想做回她自己——一个真正的演员。Mulligan says she knows where she is right now and she just wants to be herself—a real actress.

我们的爵士乐音乐家画师专家讨论了在这个自由的教学艺术影片画格里马利根。Our jazz musician portrait artist expert discusses painting Gerry Mulligan in this free instructional art video.

但穆里甘警告,对于唱片工业来说,应用程序商店带来的是各种各样的危险,其对卖出更多歌曲没有任何帮助。But Mulligan warns that for the record industry, this brings all sorts of dangers which won't help sell more songs.

当人们停下来看他们时,迈克·马力甘和玛丽安就会更卖力的挖土。When people used to stop and watch them, Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne used to dig a little faster and a little better.

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迈克·马力甘和玛丽安还有其他同伴,一起在大山中挖了一条路,这样火车就能从此经过。It was Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne and some others who cut through the high mountains so that trains could go through.

仪表堂堂,结实富态的壮鹿马利根从楼梯口走了上来。他端着一碗肥皂水,碗上十字交叉地架着一面镜子和一把剃刀。Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.

当绘制处于起步手“魔术的聚会”,球员可以“以一穆利根”,并重绘少一个新手卡。When drawing a starting hand in "Magic The Gathering" players can "take a mulligan" and redraw a new hand with one less card.

学习如何玩“魔术的聚会”,并在此免费视频魔法卡认证的法官从一开始手马利根。Learn how to play "Magic The Gathering" and take a starting hand mulligan from a certified judge in this free magic cards video.

“音乐让我说”手机是一种对于免费或者接近免费下载音乐服务的认可。“‘Comes with Music' is a recognition that music has to be given away for free, or close to free, on the internet,” says Mr Mulligan.

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迈克·马力甘和玛丽安还有其他同伴,一起挖了深深的地基,建成了高高的摩天大楼。And it was Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne and some others who dug the deep holes for the cellars of the tall skyscrapers of the big cities.

至于说成为新生代的奥黛丽·赫本,穆里根说她很有自知之明,她只是想做回她自己——一个真正的演员。Speaking of becoming the new Audrey Hepburn, Mulligan says she knows where she is right now and she just wants to be herself—a real actress.

然后小男孩说“你们何不也留下来看看呢?”于是砰砰镇的消防车也留下来看迈克·马力甘把玛丽安了。Then the little boy said, 'Why don't you stay and watch?' So the Fire Department of Popperville stayed to watch Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne.