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我需要黑板擦。I need my wiper.

她们仅仅是想要雨刷。They just wanted the wiper.

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后窗雨刷又会是怎样?How about the rear-window wiper?

如果井径紧,重复划眼。If tight hole, repeat wiper trip.

底部显示刮水器电动机的行动。The bottom shows the wiper motor in action.

新的驱动刮下工具屏幕工具区。New Drive Wiper tool screen under Tools section.

事实上有一片雨刷的刮片已经决定自己振翅高飞了。In fact one of the wiper blades began to flap off.

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雨刮器,雨刮臂,雨刮电机,连动杆。Wiper blade, wiper arm, wiper motor, wiper linkage.

最高的照片显示,雨刷电机正在连接。The top photo shows the wiper motor being hooked up.

“雨刷”被判四年徒刑。The Windshield Wiper is serving a four-year sentence.

汽车挡风玻璃刮水器下有一张违章停车罚款的通知单。There was a parking ticket under the windshield wiper.

罗德雨刮器建设是一个高度耐用的聚氨酯。Rod wiper construction is a highly durable polyurethane.

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拖动变阻器触片可以改变其阻值。You can change the rheostat value by dragging its wiper.

我们需要购买汽车雨刮电机,请尽快与我们联系。I need to buy au to Wiper Mo tors. please and contact us.

其他的工程师也邀请卡恩斯加入雨刷小组。The other engineers welcomed him aboard Ford’s wiper team.

我们需要购买汽车雨刮电机,请尽快与我们联系。We need to buy Au to Wiper Blades, please contact with us.

管理单元刮水器设计,以适应在标准雨刮腺体。Snap-In Wipers are designed to fit in standard wiper glands.

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打开点火开关,风挡刮水器处于末端位置时,关闭点火开关。Ignition on windscreen wiper runs in end position ignition off.

于是,他想到发明间歇性雨刷。The idea for the intermittent windshield wiper entered his mind.

电位计的孤刷直接与销子连接。The wiper of the potentiometer is connected directly to the spindle.