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写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly.

可显然Varga是。Varga clearly is.

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我听不大清楚。I can't hear clearly.

她的思路很清楚。She thinks very clearly.

他说话声小,但很清楚。He spoke low but clearly.

写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly. Be concise.

你能够说明白点吗?Are you able to say clearly?

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但是我们确实在改变。But we are clearly shifting.

您能看清楚东西吗?Can you see objects clearly?

请以墨水笔清楚书写。Please write clearly in ink.

她能很清晰地思考。She can reason very clearly.

她能条理清楚地推理。She can reason very clearly.

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这很明显是额外糟糕。That's clearly an extra-bad.

乔布斯是一个有远见的人.350美元的股价将令投资者承压.Clearly Steve is a visionary.

他声音宏亮、讲话清楚。He speaks loudly and clearly.

它显然是有后劲的。It clearly has staying power.

重申你的理由清楚。Restate your reasons clearly.

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很显然,她就是一种小型猴类。she's clearly a small monkey.

很显然,他令比尔嫉妒了。He clearly makes Bill jealous.

天太黑看不清楚。It is too dark to see clearly.