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他轻蔑地撇了撇嘴唇。He curled his lips in disdain.

他恨遭人白眼。He hates being treated with disdain.

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好人应鄙视谄媚者。A good man should disdain flatterers.

伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。A great man should disdain flatterers.

我们鄙夷势利小人。We disdain a man for his snobbishness.

爱,包藏着百转的矜傲和轻视。Love has a hundred forms of pride and disdain.

于是,你是一只狐,一只让人不屑的白狐。So, you are a fox, a people disdain of Arctic fox.

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但一些人给出的应对之道竟是鄙弃智慧。Yet the solution of some folks is to disdain wisdom.

美国人持特有的、歧视职业教育的心态。America has a unique disdain for vocational education.

耍滑使坏谁不会,只是君子不屑为之。Shuagushihuai who will not only gentlemanly disdain it.

存在一种对批判性思维的正式的蔑视。There is an official disdain towards critical thinking.

它看不上以往那些为猴子准备的名字。He seemed to disdain the names usually used for monkeys.

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最肯忘却古人诗,最不屑一顾是相思。Most Ken forget the ancients poem. The disdain is missing.

我的心被丘比特之箭扎伤,我不屑于所有闪闪发光的金子。My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold.

但是,近代以来,日本人把这一词汇用于蔑称中国。But Japanese used this word to disdain China in modern times.

撇撇嘴。又不屑的将书扔到床上。那么欠扁。Pie pie. And the book thrown to disdain to bed. So owe a flat.

希望不至于引起大家的强烈不满和鄙视,此幸,万幸。I hope it won't cause you consuming discontentment and disdain.

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秋虫所不屑居留的地方!Or rather a place where the insects themselves disdain to stay!

哈萨克斯坦对吉尔吉斯斯坦新政权的鄙夷之情溢于言表。His country can barely hide its disdain for the new Kyrgyz regime.

对于许多人捕风捉影的收集,我感到不屑一顾。I remember feeling disdain for this collection of ogling humanity.