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他没事儿刻字干吗呀?Why did he carve it?

留出一些时间俩工作。Carve out some time to work.

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有一天他们划花了她的脸…One day they carve her face.

你是否会将我刻到树上?Would you carve me in a tree?

每天匀出一小时。Carve out an hour in your day.

刻画出你对一个朋友的记忆。Carve out a memory for a friend.

我要刻花你的脸,知道吗?I am gonna carve your face up, huh?

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我要把阿伽门农刻在石头上。I'll carve Agamemnon in the stones.

锲而不舍,金石可镂。Perseverance can carve mental and gold.

而且,那个花纹是如何弄上去的,錾刻?Moreover, how to add that pattern?Carve?

可是他们为什么要雕这种石人呢?But why did they carve such stone figures?

然后他们开始雕刻独立的字体。Then they began to carve separate letters.

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滴水尚能穿石。水会为自己开路。Water can carve its way, even through stone.

一个好的雕刻者不应敷衍他的印章。Does a good carver temporize to carve his seal?

在餐桌上我的任务是管切肉。At the dinner-table,my job is to carve the meat.

噢,别将我割除!别让妳可笑的梦。Oh, don't carve me out! Don't let your silly dreams.

用非常锐利的冰凿雕刻需花更多的时间。It takes more time to carve with razor-sharp chisels.

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我们把这个南瓜刻成一个吓人的南瓜灯。Let's carve this pumpkin into a scary jocko'-lantern.

对创业者来说,信心就是创业的动力。For the grounders, confidence is the fuel to carve out.

对于雕刻件它是极好的,因为它几乎不碎裂。It is excellent to carve as it hardly splinters at all.