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我正在指望着你的帮助。I am reckoning on your help.

愚人常短于心计。A fool always comes short of his reckoning.

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这些付出对于一个区区人命来说,实在是太沉重了。It is a heavy reckoning for one man's life.

这不过是算帐的第一步。This is only the beginning of the reckoning.

使人复结绳而用之。Let the people again tie ropes for reckoning.

他盼望不要受到她母亲的干涉。He was reckoning without her mother's interference.

各种迹象表明,这是对盐进行清算的时刻。By all appearances, this is a moment of reckoning for salt.

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别看你现在逍遥,将来会遭报应的。You're enjoying yourself now, but a day of reckoning will come.

对聪明人来说,每一天的时光都是要一丝不苟的。-J。W。加德纳。To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning. -J. W. Gardner.

自由了!我们终于自阿尔萨斯巫妖王崛起由了!一切都结束了。现在该是算账的时候了。Free! At last! It is over my son. This is the moment of reckoning.

据我估计我们离梅卡巴堡有七八公里远。By my reckoning we were seven or eight kilometres from Borj Mechaab.

历史不会石沉大海,总会有清算的那一天”。There'll never be closure, but there will be a reckoning with the past.

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使民众重新回归到结绳记事的太古时代。Let people go back aboriginally using knotted ropes for simple reckoning.

据此,本文提出了植有销钉的构件界面粘结能力的计算方法。Then the thesis provide a method for reckoning the mucosity capacity of the block.

在最后审判日,女性伴侣伺候那些进入伊甸园的人。Female companions await those who enter the Gardens of Eden on the Day of Reckoning.

他相信,消费者拖延最后“算帐”的时间总有个限度。He believes there is a limit to how long consumers can put off the day of reckoning.

使用附近南部大部分南美地区的专家称为航位推算。Using dead reckoning near the southern most area of South America called for an expert.

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给出了适用于第一人称射击游戏中角色运动特征的位置外推算法。A dead reckoning algorithm was presented which is suitable for first-person shooting games.

加州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格昨天说“现在是清算的日子了。”California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said yesterday that the day of reckoning is here.

这不禁让人觉得,到了清算这一切的那天,我们都会一头栽进地狱。You can't help conclude that we're heading for one hell of a day of reckoning with all this.