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第四,拒绝中阴线。Fourth, the refusal of Yin Xian.

汤姆微笑着加以婉转拒绝。Tom tempered his refusal with a smile.

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我已付了那柜栋房子的定金了。I have bought the refusal of that house.

你如果拒绝来就会得罪人。Your refusal to come might give offence.

她的拒绝只是故作姿态。Her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture.

她用十分委婉的语言表示拒绝。Her refusal was couched in very polite words.

他用非常委婉的言语传达拒绝之意。His refusal was couched in very polite words.

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他用友善的语言表达了拒绝之意。The refusal was couched in friendly language.

她不肯帮忙,计划也就落空了。Her refusal to help quite upset the applecart.

你们拒付的理由是什么?What’s your reason for the refusal of payment?

她拘谨得听不得粗俗得笑话。She gave a prudish refusal to enjoy rude jokes.

他因为拒绝服从主席而顿然显赫一时。AS a result of his refusal to obey the chairman.

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拒绝直面真相正在成为主旋律。Refusal to face up to the truth is becoming a theme.

茶不仅可以表示迎客,还可以表示送客。Tea is to show not only welcome but refusal as well.

银行只接受一次拒付。Only one refusal of payment is acceptable to the bank.

工程师同总经理一起在承包合同上签字画押。Their refusal to sign the contract has put us in a bind.

他因为拒绝加入集体农庄而被捕入狱。He was arrested, for refusal to join the collective farm.

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拒绝签名盖章的,记明情况附卷。Refusal to do so shall be put on record in the case file.

跨性别拒绝言语行为是一个复杂的现象。Cross-sex refusal speech act is a very complex phenomenon.

政府以友好的措辞表示拒绝。The government's refusal was couched in friendly language.