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感受泡沫沿着身体慢慢滑下。Feel the suds slipping down your body.

没人希望在啤酒里加肥皂,可是人人都希望啤酒里有泡沫。No one wants soap in beer, but everyone wants the suds.

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在沐浴的过程中,帽帽能够避免水流等流过脸颊。During bath time, the visors help keep suds away from baby's face.

涂完肥皂沫,他的手开始在泡沫里揉差。He finished lathering , and then began to rub in the suds with his hand.

与一重泡沫的肥皂或洗涤灵定期酒吧里和你的手。Heavily suds up your hands with a regular bar of soap or dish detergent.

在一条肥皂上涂满卸甲油,这样肥皂不再起泡。Paint a bar of soap completely with clear nail polish so it won't suds up.

夜半,一沫流光,照在窗边,透过玻璃,洒落在床前。Midnight, a suds streamer, shine in the window, through the glass, in the bed.

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将钻饰浸在泡沫中,用一软牙刷轻轻地刷。Gently brush the diamond jewelry with a soft toothbrush while it is in the suds.

也使一个很好的礼物,因为人们最初泡沫所迷惑黑色。Also makes an excellent gift because people are initially confused by the black suds.

那些你刷牙时候的泡沫就是来自像钠盐和硫酸盐一类的洗涤剂。Those suds you see when you brush your teeth are from detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate.

例如,橄榄油肥皂作出努力,而椰子油,使肥皂产生泡沫。For example, olive oil makes a harder soap, while coconut oil makes a soap that produces suds.

我们冲洗了洗碗间,厨房,递菜的台子,把水扫到下水道去。We hosed the dish room, the kitchen, the serving line, sending the water and crud and suds into the drains.

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“她过来给我倒啤酒时我摸了她的屁股,”他继续说,奶酪马铃薯在他的嘴边留下斑点。“I felt her ass when she got over me to suds me up, ” he continued, cheesy potatoes flecking from his mouth.

好莱坞曾经尝试将汽车行业搬上荧幕,最初的想法是拍摄现实主义题材,可最终却都成了浮云。When Hollywood has tried capturing the auto industry on film, it aimed at realistic drama but wound up with suds.

勿用腐蚀性化学制剂,清洁剂或强力洗涤剂来清洗手机。请使用软毛巾蘸少量肥皂水擦拭。Do not use erosional chemical product, cleanser or scour to clean mobile . please dip little suds with soft towel to clean.

在以磷酸盐的形式出现的磷呈悬浮颗粒状,不会附着在碗碟上,还能使水软化让泡沫产生。Phosphorus in the form of phosphates suspends particles so they do not stick to dishes and softens water to allow suds to form.

是。休息的要求,当一切都说过和做过,是一种服务,取代了你的SOAP用一个简单的泡沫,共同或花园网址。Yes. A REST request, when all is said and done, is a service which replaces your SOAP suds with a simple, common or garden URL.

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市面上最好闻的宝宝洗浴产品。冲洗方便,在海绵上会起泡,但是洗澡布上不起,对敏感性的肌肤也相当棒。The best smelling baby wash on the market! Rinses easily, suds with a sponge but not with a wash cloth. Great for sensitive skin.

双手互搓相摩擦,冲击稀释了它们,然后泡沫把它们从你的皮肤中带出来,水可以把它们冲走。The friction of rubbing your hands together jars them loose, then the suds lift them away from your skin so the water can rinse them away.

为了纪念今年甲流期间的这个全球洗手日,我希望大家能带着公共羞耻感去洗手,从而享受更加健康的身体。In honor of Global Handwashing Day in the Year of Swine Flu -- I encourage you to take shame to heart today, and suds up for the greater good.