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如果说高尔夫是体育运动,那么毫无疑问,纳斯卡也是。If you accept golf as a sport, NASCAR certainly is a sport.

希望,现在他已经长了足够多的肉以成为一名碰碰车车手。Hopefully, by now he has put on enough weight to become a NASCAR driver.

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有点类似街边修汽车的和云斯顿赛车维修站的区别。Sort of like the difference between a car mechanic and a NASCAR pit crew.

激烈的纳斯卡赛车有时更像是职业摔跤。Yes, NASCAR does at times seem like little more than pro wrestling with fenders.

上了大学以后,我开始了解纳斯卡的难度以及对车手的技能要求。Since college, I’ve come to appreciate the difficulty of NASCAR and the skill required of its drivers.

最富盛名的比赛大概是德通纳500米比赛,每年二月份在佛罗里达州的德通纳海滩举行。Probably the most famous NASCAR race is the Daytona 500. It takes place every February in Daytona Beach, Florida.

在拉斯维加斯赛道上,可以看到从纳斯卡赛车到NHRA拖车赛到卡丁车的各种车赛。You’ll find just about everything from NASCAR stock cars and NHRA drag racers to karts running somewhere at the speedway.

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这就像帕瓦罗蒂,在他的歌剧巅峰,决定退休,而试图脱口秀上碰碰运气或者玩玩赛车。This was like Pavarotti, at the height of his operatic powers, deciding to retire and try his luck at stand-up comedy or NASCAR.

NASCAR车手埃利奥特萨德勒在屋顶上留下了一个从完成五圈进站的零度可口可乐。帮助保持在那里。NASCAR driver Elliott Sadler leaves his Coke Zero on his roof during a pit stop five laps from the finish. Help keep it on there.

在缺席了前两站比赛并前往美国参加纳斯卡系列赛的吉米·莱科宁也将回到赛场。Kimi Raikkonen is back on world championship duty after skipping the last two events to make his NASCAR debut in the United States.

这条长4公里的倾斜赛道于1959年启用,是两个使用限位板限制赛车最高速度的纳斯卡车赛之一。The 2.5-mile banked track, opened in 1959, is one of two on the NASCAR calendar that use restrictor plates to limit the cars’ top speeds.

风扇是呆若木鸡在驾驶过程中纳斯卡界杯系列赛在Sprint的汽车在凤凰城菲尼克斯国际赛道4月10日。A fan is transfixed by cars driving in circles during a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at Phoenix International Raceway April 10 in Phoenix.

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为航空等工业提供生产抗噪耳机、内部通讯装置和飞行计算机。Manufactures noise-attenuating headsets, intercoms and flight computers for aviation, industry, NASCAR racing, telephone and related equipment.

麦凯恩携家带口出现在了新罕布什尔州汽车赛的跑到上。此次来到全国汽车比赛协会的赛道上也是为了竞选争取更多的选票。John McCain has been campaigning for votes on the NASCAR circuit. He and his wife, Cindy, are attending a race at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway.

上市后美国白酒-摩闪威士吉及其传奇故事将以纳斯卡赛车的速度给中国的餐桌带来闪光的美国民间风味和文化。Once available on the market, Moonshine whiskey and its stories will strike Chinese dinner tables with a white lightening taste at the NASCAR speed.

如果她没有亲自参加过你所说的纳斯卡比赛,他会很老实的承认,但他会让你感觉好像他跟你一起参加过一样。If he hasn’t actually been to the NASCAR race you’re talking about, he’ll be honest about it – but he’ll make you feel as if he was right there with you.

“车手”可以选择24小时耐力赛抑或是锦标赛,从F1,拉力赛、纳斯卡和跑车赛中挑选不同的赛道、车手和赛车。Drivers can choose 24-hour endurance races and full championships, select different tracks and cars from Formula One, rally, NASCAR and sports car racing.

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就享受而言,最有意思的一次造访白宫,是我带母亲去听威利.纳尔逊的演唱,当时总统在白宫的南草坪上为全国汽车比赛协会举办了一次野餐会。In the latter category, the best visit was when I took Mother to hear Willie Nelson sing on the South Lawn of the White House at a picnic the President hosted for NASCAR.

Kertus戴维斯爬上了他的车后,渔获物的代托纳国际赛道7月3日在纳斯卡火灾全国地铁墨西哥辣椒系列250在代托纳比奇。Kertus Davis climbs out of his car after it catches fire during the NASCAR Nationwide Series Subway Jalapeno 250 at Daytona International Speedway July 3 in Daytona Beach.

然而,老道明大学达成了一项协议以继续运行这一设施,并且在之后的几年里被很多组织使用,其中就包括NASCAR中的车队。However, a new agreement was reached for Old Dominion University to operate the facility, and the wind tunnel was used for several more years by many groups, including NASCAR teams.