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不知道那个芭乐,不在载货单上。Isn't on the manifest.

她脸上显露出惧怕的神情。Fear was manifest on her face.

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他对这明显的谬论付之一笑。He smiled at the manifest absurdity.

主神有三神的神格但是不以三神展现。God does not manifest as three persons.

这种相对性将如何显现出来呢?How does the opposition manifest itself?

这就是中国人所谓的天定命运风格。Welcome to manifest destiny Chinese style.

祂会将受于我的告诉你们,并且会显明给你们看。He’ll take of mine, and manifest it to you.

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过会我要给你看空箱舱单。I'll show you a manifest of the empty vans later.

但命运天定是个非常古老的美国观念But Manifest Destiny was a very old American idea.

这些不平等出现在很多方面。These disparities manifest themselves in many ways.

强迫式的爱情中就有这种状况。This can manifest into obsessive love, " she said."

有人舔着笑脸,用意明显之极。Someone licks smiling face, direction manifest pole.

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鼻子,很明显,是一个凝聚了的水滴,或钟乳石。The nose is a manifest congealed drop or stalactite.

这种错误经常表现为性能问题。These faults often manifest as performance problems.

大众文化研究在我国越来越成为一门显学。Cuture study is becoming a manifest science in China.

社会阶层的分划,也显示于门。Divisions of social class are also manifest in gates.

没人会否认过去四年发生的触目的灾难。Nobody denies manifest disaster ofthepast four years.

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让我们说,你渴望显化一名至爱者。Let us say that you desire to manifest of the beloved.

我的癌症,是当我长大时所显化的仇恨。My cancer was hatred made manifest as physical growths.

我感觉到我肚子里有明显的消化不良症候。I feel within me the manifest prognostics of indigestion.