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你使用托雷士吉他的扇形力木系统吗?Do you use the Torres bracing pattern?

半挂车2辆,省内拉货。Semitrailer 2, save the internal bracing goods.

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每个补强件在其设计中可以是唯一的。Each case of bracing can be unique in its design.

这是一番个性鲜明且真情流露的表白。It is, typically, a bracing statement, not without feeling.

不过以色列已经为某种形式的报复做好了准备。But Israel had been bracing itself for some form of retaliation.

秋尽冬来,一个提神醒脑的日子就这样欢欢喜喜地开始了。This was the glad commencement of a bracing day in early winter.

但是华盛顿则一直担心双方不能达成协议的可能性。But Washington is bracing itself for the possibility that it won't.

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专题部分为关于深基坑支护设计方法的研究。Exemplary into about deep foundation pit bracing design methodology.

这使得亚洲的成衣生产商的成本也随之升高。This has left garment manufacturers in Asia bracing for higher costs.

为了做好准备,应该从腹部的上面到下面同时进行收缩。Prepare for the exercise by bracing your abdominals from top to bottom.

日本还得打起精神面对周五的不景气的就业和产能数据。Japan is bracing itself for gloomy employment and output figures on Friday.

本实用新型公开了一种能够显示通断状态的拉线开关。The utility model discloses a bracing wire switch which can display on-off state.

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脚手架的所有支撑和外伸支架都要安装就位,所有轮子锁定。The scaffold is used with all bracing and outriggers in position and wheels locked.

特定的语境中,Tompkins对道德的直率和拒绝令人振奋。Given the context, Tompkins’ straightforwardness and refusal to moralize is bracing.

三条支撑臂环抱着一颗旋转的回转仪球体,球内安装有机器人的控制脑。The bracing arms surrounded a rotating gyroscopic ball that housed the droid's brain.

然后身体会将每一个卡路里都存为脂肪以为下一次饥饿做好准备。Then it will store every calorie as fat, bracing itself for the next period of famine.

去年战胜德维尔潘先生的学生们也抖擞精神迎接新的战斗。Students too, having defeated Mr de Villepin last year, are bracing for a new struggle.

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果酸与柔和的单宁颇为平衡,口感稳固而持久,并伴有甜甜的余韵。Bracing acidity and soft tannins on the palate, long and persistent with a sweet finish.

在这拮据的时期,路易威登、卡地亚表和宾利汽车这些奢侈品要做好过冬的准备了。Louis Vuitton, Cartier and Bentley should perhaps be bracing themselves for leaner times.

干燥而凉爽的气候和那平整的土地,使得人畜容易在这里耕作。The dry bracing climate and the smoothness of the land make labor easy for men and beasts.