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如果是某人所依赖的呢?What about if someone is dependent?

他的行为全视其心情如何而定。His acts were dependent on his moods.

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布非常富,但依赖父。Croesus, but dependent upon his father.

我现在非常非常依赖它I'm really, really dependent on that now.

它不依赖于轨道。It is not dependent on the actual orbital.

同事是个很黏老婆的人。My co-worker is very dependent on his wife.

默认的编码方式独立于平台。The default encoding is platform dependent.

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不要让你的自尊对他们有过多依赖。Never make your self-worth dependent on them.

依赖性自尊心有它积极的一面。Dependent self-esteem can be a positive force.

我们相依相惜,为我们的新家而努力。We are dependent ?the new home for our efforts.

因变量为欺负频率。Dependent variable is the frequency of bullying.

该类神经元具有电压依赖性。The cold-sensitive neuron was voltage dependent.

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数据表和所有依赖的组件邦定dataTable and all dependent components dependend

折叠图像与主题是相互独立的。The twisty image, though, is not theme dependent.

句法结构是依赖于词和词汇的组合而成立的。Syntax is dependent upon the combination of words.

很奇怪,人生中很多事情都是依时间而定的。How odd that so much of life is dependent upon time.

依赖于这个过程的包会失效。Packages dependent on the procedure are invalidated.

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这两个物理量,再次。So, these two quantities, again, are path dependent.

每个独立对象可能只有一个主对象。Each dependent object may have only one master object.

吴邪永远都不会知道张起灵有多么依赖他。Naivete will never know how dependent Kylin is on him.