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武器包括两门7.62mm加特林机枪。The armament are two 7.62mm miniguns.

国家的武装过程需要几年。Thecountry 's armament will take years.

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坦克主要的装备是一门75毫米口径的主炮。Main armament consisted of a 75mm main gun.

前身是中国人民解放军总装备部。Is the predecessor of the PLA General Armament Department.

被关押的人被奴役用来在当地的武器厂中卖苦力。The prisoners were used as slave labour in local armament factories.

任何军事大国的军备力量都能摧毁世界文明。The armament of any of the great powers could destroy the civilization.

新型车辆最主要的革新是炮塔和它的武备。The main innovation in the new vehicle was the turret and its armament.

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武器装备的定义是“打赢战争的必备工具”。Armament is defined as "the equipment necessary to wage and win battles."

当下,我即整军备马,当晚就向公主辞行。At that moment, I namely the whole armament horse, be night go toward princess.

军备和武器的各自优势应该在不同的领域进行比较。The weaponry and armament should be comparable in advantage of different areas.

光剑是绝地的武器——一种属于更文明时代的优雅武器。The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi, an elegant armament of a more civilized time.

它是高天军旅的灯塔,在天空照耀。Being an instrument of the armies on high, shining gloriously in the Armament of heaven.

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JS-7坦克和虎王在同样的重量的情况下有着更好的装甲防护和武备。Having the weight of the «King Tiger» the JS-7 was far superior in protection and armament.

它的武器装备包括一门76F型双管-37毫米AAA炮,具有对空目标8.5公里的射程。Its armament includes a Type 76F twin-37mm AAA gun, with a range of 8.5km for airborne targets.

仲裁裁决应为终极裁决,对双方均存在束缚力。The adjudication accolade shall be final and has acknowledged bounden armament to both abandon.

我愕然发现这竟是个军械库,里面存放着全系列的古老盔甲和武器。I was shocked to discover that it was an arsenal containing an array of antiquated armor and armament.

原本计划将主要武器更换成一门全新的37毫米高射速坦克炮,但实际改进中没有执行。It was proposed to re-arm the tank with a new 37-mm high-velocity gun, but the armament stayed the same.

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海洋权益的维护主要依靠海上军事力量的建设。Development and equipment of navy armament is significant way to maintain the ocean rights and interests.

23mm口径机炮是大多数中级和更高等级的战机的主要武器。Thee main armament type for the majority of aircraft of medium and upper tiers will be the 20-23 mm cannons.

两名驾驶员,武器配备有一门20毫米机炮和约2.5吨的火箭弹、炸*、导弹。There is a crew of two, with armament of a 20mm autocannon and about 2.5 tons of rockets, bombs and missiles.