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没有什么可以胜过滑翔翼运动。You can't beat hang- gliding.

滑翔翼的欧文斯谷恐怖!Hang Gliding Horror in Owens Valley!

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他们一个在划水,另一个在滑行。One was stroking, and the other was gliding.

沿滑动面产生滑动的塑性楔体。Sliding of plastic wedges along gliding planes.

小船活像一条开了水皮的打跳的梭鱼。The boat looked like a pike gliding on the river.

昌平的滑翔基地是滑翔爱好者的天堂。Glide base of Changping is the gliding fans' heaven.

直到我站起来,开溜出去,独自荡游。Till rising and gliding out I wander'd off by myself.

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同时也会吸引在周围盘旋的大兀鹰的注意。It attracts the attention of condors gliding overhead.

他感到老鼠在他的两腿中间迅速地溜过。Between his legs he felt the rapid gliding of the rats.

终于,明月浮出云波,轻柔地在我身旁滑过。And again the moon is on the wave, gliding gently into me.

滑翔的速度是由翅膀的弯曲度来控制。Gliding speed is controlled by the amount of wing flexing.

写在他们的滑翔机霍萨英国伞兵的口号。British paratroopers writing slogans on their Horsa gliding plane.

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温迪山顶允许进行悬挂式滑翔和滑翔伞运动。Hang gliding and paragliding are allowed from the top of Windy Hill.

我希望悬挂式滑翔能给我带来无拘无束的纯粹飞行体验。I hoped hang gliding would deliver the unencumbered essence of flight.

这些幼体海豚能流畅地游动在它们母亲游动引起的滑流中。The calves meanwhile benefited by gliding in their mother's slipstream.

滑翔翼运动——滑翔翼运动也是您能做的最好的事情之一。Go Hang Gliding- Hang Gliding is also one of the best things you can do.

第二种是休閒使用者,只是喜欢兜风找乐子。The recreational user just likes gliding around for fun or to do chores.

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滑翔增程是目前采用的较为有效的一种弹箭增程技术。The gliding flight of projectile is an efficient extended range technique.

我就像一头猫头鹰滑翔在树林的黑夜中,既兴奋又害怕。Gliding like an owl through the night forest, I was exhilarated and afraid.

小鲸滑过尼克林身旁,轻轻转过身体,一只眼睛盯着他。The calf, gliding by Nicklin, rolled slightly to bring an eye to bear on him.