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鳗发现,在东北地区的河流。Lamprey found in the northeast region rivers.

日本七鳃鳗是现存最原始而特化的脊椎动物之一。Japanese Lamprey is one of the most primitive extant vertebrate.

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鳗是一个典型的洄游鱼类,一些在海上的生活时间。Lamprey is a typical migratory fish, some time in the sea of life.

与八目鳗类鱼区别开的七鳃鳗。Any of several similar fishes, such as the lamprey and electric eel.

日本鳗处于脆弱状态相对较少的资源量。Japanese lamprey relatively small amount of resources, in a Vulnerable state.

因此,科学家们从10个腐烂的七鳃鳗的尸体中提取出化学物质。So researchers extracted chemical compounds from 10 putrefying lamprey carcasses.

运用反转录PCR技术,检测出激肽原还存在于七鳃鳗的肠、肾和白细胞中,但不存在于口腔腺中。Using reverse transcription PCR, kininogen mRNA was also detected in lamprey gut, kidney, and leukocyte, but absent in lamprey buccal gland.

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为了揭示神经网络在脊椎动物运动中所行使的内在功能,作者开发了七鳃鳗这种低等脊椎动物模型。To unravel the intrinsic function of the networks controlling vertebrate motor behaviour, we have developed a lower vertebrate model system, the lamprey.

本文就其形态特征作了详细的描述,并对体尺及主要器官进行了测量与称重。This article described the morphological characteristics of Japanese Lamprey in great detail, and the measurements and the weights of the statures and the major organs.

他们有一种天生的能力,能驱散热能,这使大多数生命感测器都难以捕捉他们。The Dashade are muscular humanoids with high foreheads, a lamprey -like mouth, powerful claws, and a natural ability to dissipate heat that makes them difficult to spot with most life-form sensors.