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女人最大的失败是什么?What is the upmost failure of a woman?

诗歌是文学的最高形式。Poetry is the upmost form in the literature.

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对孩子教育的一致性在这些领域十分重要。The need for consistency is of upmost importance in these areas.

自然保护成为人类所面临的最重要也最富有挑战性的任务。Nature conservation becomes a upmost important and quite challenging task.

根系活力及SOD、CAT活性均表现为多粒型品种最高,中间型品种最低。Root and SOD, CAT activity of var. fastingiata is upmost , irregular type is lowest.

这些人帮助球员在场上表现出最好的竞技状态。These people help the players go out there and perform to the upmost of their ability.

对项目高效、快速、准确的研判是项目研发最重要的一步。The efficient, speedy and exact due diligence is the upmost for development of project.

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我们使用最高级有效的方式来确保您的资料在我处的安全。We maintain the upmost available means to ensure that your information remains safe with us.

此外,本文还利用可靠性预计方法,评估了该系统可能达到的可靠性水平。Moreover, the upmost level of reliability of the sub-system is evaluated by reliability prediction.

道家文化的最高思维范畴就是道,道是宇宙万物的本源。The upmost thought category of Taoism culture is Tao that is the origin of everything in the universe.

对人民的负责与对人性的关注便是国家对她的人民,道德最好的体现。Responsible for its people and care about humanity is the upmost virtue a country can show to its people.

巴西、墨西哥、阿根廷和哥伦比亚是拉美地区最主要的4个因特网国家。Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia are the 4 upmost countries with Internet services in Latin America.

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无论是男追女还是女追男,爱情是最重要的,只要两人相爱,就足够了。Whatever Boys hanker girls VS girls hanker boys, love is upmost. If only the two love each other, it is enough.

宪法作为确立和保护国家民主制度的根本大法,具有至高无上的法律权威。As the basic law setting and protecting country's democratic system, the Constitution has the upmost legal power.

面试是两个人之坚饽相互作用,所以你给人印象是个怎样的人,是面试中至关重要的。The interview is basically an interaction between two people so how you come across as a person is of upmost importance.

面试是两个人之间的作用,你给人印象是个怎样的人,是面试中至关的。The interview is basically an interaction between two people, so how you come across as a person is of upmost importance.

做笔译工作,埋头于纷繁复杂的文件中,每一句话甚至一个单词都至关重要。When doing translation, for the translator, buried in numerous and complicated documents, every sentence, even a word is of upmost importance.

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高可靠、高安全和高质量,确保航天员绝对安全,是对载人运载火箭的最主要要求。High reliability, high safety and high quality to ensure the absolute safety of astronauts are the upmost requirements to manned launch vehicles.

我们想想看,子女出生以后,都是父母的心肝宝贝,呵护得无微不至。Let's think about it, after children are born, their parents treat them as precious treasuries and take care of them with the upmost attention to detail.

如今的强大人,本着质量第一、用户之上的经营理念和销售模式,打开了一片属于自己的天空。Nowadays, the Qiangda People, firmly sticking to hte managing principle and sales pattern of "Quality First and Customer Upmost", channal a broad space of their own.