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我好累。I'm so exhausted.

我们都筋疲力尽。We were all exhausted.

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库存已几乎卖完。The stock is nearly exhausted.

人困马乏。The entire force was exhausted.

我已工作得精疲力尽。I have exhausted myself working.

信用证上的款项已提清。The letter of credit is exhausted.

三天的紧张工作使约翰筋疲力尽。The three-day work exhausted Jhon.

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最新版已销售一空。The last edition has been exhausted.

初版很快告罄。The first edition was soon exhausted.

我吃了晚饭,一身精疲力竭,感到的是满足。I ate supper, exhausted and contented.

我看得出她是多么紧张,多么疲惫呀。I saw how tense and exhausted she was.

她发现自己很无聊、很疲惫。who finds herself bored and exhausted.

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你变得毫无兴趣,筋疲力竭。You’ve lost interest. You’re exhausted.

严寒或酷暑时,为着花粉,疲于奔命。Cold or heat, for the pollen, exhausted.

“我有七个孩子,总是忙得筋疲力尽”。I had seven, and I was always exhausted.

注惫监侧血箱。Pours the exhausted jail side blood box.

那人跑得疲惫已极,上气不接下气。The exhausted runner was gasping for air.

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他们饥寒交迫、疲惫不堪,经常感到害怕。They were hungry exhausted always fearful.

他完全筋疲力尽了。He was completely fagged out, ie exhausted.

我也有同感,那让我精疲力尽。I feel the same way. It makes me exhausted.