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他给她购买小装饰品并带她去看戏。He buy her trinket and take her to the theater.

放进碗里的最后一个饰品是一条来自香港的翡翠项链。The last trinket in the bowl was a jade necklace from Hong Kong.

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在猎人使用了他的徽章或者反击以后消失偷袭。Vanish CS after he uses PVP trinket or after he already used counter attack.

这少年一侧头间,韦小宝情不自禁,也是“啊”的一声叫了出来。He turned his face, and Trinket let out a boyish —and utterly amazed—cry of his own.

如果你有第二个法伤饰品就在第一个饰品一完立刻用。If you have a second clicky trinket use it immediately after the first trinket is done.

韦小宝目不转睛的瞧着他,见他咬紧牙齿,脸上一阵青、一阵白。Trinket stared back at the old man, who was grinding his teeth, his face whiter than ever.

这份礼物或许是一首诗,一篇日志,一个有意义的小物件之类对送礼者来说有一定意义的东西。Maybe it's a poem or a journal entry or a significant trinket that means something to the giver.

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例如将来练金术士可以制作炼金术士特定的饰品。For example in the future, alchemists are going to be able to make an alchemist specific trinket.

潮汐咒符的晕眩效果不会因为受到的伤害而被打断。The stun from the Tidal Charm trinket no longer breaks when damage is dealt to the stunned target.

直到此刻,韦小宝才嘘了口气,放开匕首,大模大样的在床沿坐了下来。Inwardly sighing with relief, Trinket put away his dagger and seated himself imperiously on the bed.

韦小宝给他扠得透不过气来,满脸紫胀,伸出了舌头。Trinket was suffocating . His face was swollen and purple, his tongue was protruding from his mouth.

不一日到了北京,韦小宝去找了一家大客店,一进门便赏了十两银子。Eventually they arrived in Peking and Trinket found a large, high-class hostelry for them to stay in.

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希刺克厉夫把这小装饰品打开了,把里面的东西扔出来,装进他自己的一绺黑发。Heathcliff had opened the trinket and cast out its contents, replacing them by a black lock of his own.

温有方轻轻吹了声口哨,韦小宝便溜了出去。Wen Youfang whistled quietly outside, and Trinket managed to slide softly out without Old Hai noticing.

我们主要致力于珠宝首饰盒,装饰品,金属相框和各种金属工艺精品的生产。We are specializing in jewelry boxes, trinket boxes, ornaments, metal photo frames and other metal crafts.

幸运的是,一个小侏儒出现并提供了帮助,不过要答应他一件小事。Fortunately she's helped by a little gnome who shows up and offers to help in exchange for a small trinket.

韦小宝哈哈大笑,从椅子底下钻出来,手中兀自握着那柄带血的钢刀。Trinket began to laugh hysterically , and emerged from under the table, still clutching the bloodstained sword.

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看看这里,在生日、圣诞节或者特殊的场合里,一个小饰品送来送去的。From there, each trinket is passed on to another person, for a birthday, for Christmas, or for a special occasion.

这两个月赌了下来,温氏兄弟已欠了韦小宝二百多两银子。Over the two-month period, the Wen brothers became indebted to Trinket to the tune of two hundred taels of silver.

说着走近身去,只见台上堆着五六千两银子,倒是那乡下人面前最多。As he approached the table, Trinket saw large piles of money on somewhere between five and six thousand taels in all.