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菲苏老师决心帮忙,她于是把自己变成一株真正的植物!To help out, Ms. Frizzle turns her into a real vine.

玫绝望地看着额前那参差不齐的刘海儿,痛苦失声。wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead.

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弗瑞斯老师有一次带领我们进行了一次奇特的冒险之旅——外太空旅行!One time Ms. Frizzle took us on a far-out adventure-all the way to outer space!

当弗瑞斯夫人说我们要学习天气的知识时,我想那一定非常枯燥。Frizzle announced that we'd be studying the weather, I thought it would be pretty boring.

菲苏老师把神奇校车变成一个魔法仪器来为各个假设作出鑑定。Ms. Frizzle turns the bus into a "Supposatron, " a magical device designed to evaluate guesses.

卡洛斯把那块神秘的石头带到了学校,他希望弗瑞斯夫人可以告诉他那到底是什么岩石。When Carlos brings a mystery rock to school, he hopes Ms. Frizzle will tell him what kind of rock it is.

要是瑞德赞成她把头发剪成刘海式的,并在额前烫成鬈发,戴上这顶帽子还会好看得多呢!If only Rhett would let her cut bangs and frizzle them on her forehead, how much better this bonnet would look!

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当一个疯狂将军打算用蜥蝪仔作为诱饵时,菲苏老师立即把神奇校车变成一只蜘蛛。When a mad general takes Liz prisoner to use as mantis bait, Mrs. Frizzle turns the Magic School Bus into a spider.

云达的弟弟意外地把菲苏老师及同学们缩小了,而他们又刚巧被困在洗手间里!When Wanda's little brother accidentally shrinks Ms. Frizzle and the kids, they end up trapped in a bathroom with no way out!

旺达将她的瓢虫带到了学校,她就是想让弗瑞斯老师看看这只瓢虫,然后告诉她该如何照顾这个宠物昆虫。When Wanda brings her new ladybugs to school, she just wants Ms. Frizzle to give her some hints on caring for her insect pets.

没有完哩,把头发卷曲起来,上面扎根丝带,靠近额前打个结,这样看上就像是最时髦的发型。It isn't spoiled. Just frizzle it, and tie your ribbon so the ends come on your forehead a bit, and it will look like the last fashion.

同学们在「热带雨林承租计划」租用了一株可可树作为地球日的礼物送给菲苏老师。The kids rent a rain forest cocoa tree as an Earth Day present for Ms. Frizzle. But when the harvest arrives, there's only one shriveled cocoa bean! Ms.

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孩子们和弗瑞丝老师一同来到了北极,经过一番历险之后,他们不但学会了怎样取暖,而且还找到了留存热量的方法。Come along with Ms. Frizzle and the gang to the Arctic Circle as they learn it´s not just about getting warm, but finding a way to keep the heat you have.

菲苏老师启动神奇校车的「循环还原装置」,带同学们及摩菲去另一趟实地考察,让他们明白到我们每天日常接触到的物件原来有很多都是由垃圾经循环再做而做出来的。Ms. Frizzle activates the Bus's Un-Recycler, taking the class and Murph on a song-filled field trip, where they learn how everyday items are made from recycled trash.