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他与沃伊中尉蹲伏在一道树篱后边。He and Wray were crouched behind a hedgerow.

本来应该是寻找对该树篱侧翼进攻路线。It would have found a way to flank the hedgerow.

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如果你的心头一阵忙乱,现在不要惊慌。If there's a bustle in your hedgerow , don't be alarmed now.

吹压着篱木的耳朵,讲述剑与火的故事。Bending the ear of the hedgerow with stories of fire and sword.

成排根部壅土的树,像挡水坝一样改变了地面径流过程。The runoff process on hillside is affected by hedgerow network.

仍然是绿色的叶子吹得从灌木篱笆上飘落下来。The leaves, still green, tossed off the hedgerow trees by the wind.

仍然是绿的叶子被风吹得从灌木篱笆上飘落下来。The leaves, still green, were tossed off the hedgerow trees by the wind.

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夜间摄像头能在漆黑的乡村小道上辨认出一头在灌木篱墙里的鹿。And the night-vision camera could spot a deer in the hedgerow down a dark country lane.

在篱式果园中,行向对光照条件的影响是一重要问题。The orientation of row and condition of illumination is very important in the hedgerow orchard.

努力保存对灌木篱墙的规章那就是保护已经确定的制度来保护他们的未来。Conservation efforts such as the hedgerow regulations have been established to preserve their future.

图56显示篱壁果园不同行间宽度的光能截取和分配的情况。Light interception and distribution in hedgerow orchards with different alleyway widths is indicated in Fig . 56.

但是刺猬却因栖息地支离破碎,食物被杀虫剂杀死,灌木丛减少而数量下跌。But hedgehog numbers have fallen due to fragmentation of their habitats, pesticides killing their prey, and hedgerow loss.

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简要介绍了四川省宁南县推广应用等高固氮植物篱技术的经验教训。The preliminary experiences and lessons for application of contour hedgerow technique in Ningnan county of Sichuan province are presented.

等高植物篱技术是一种坡耕地上低投入、高收益的保护性耕作和持续利用技术。Contour hedgerow intercropping is regarded as an effective and 1owcost technology for conserving farming and sustainable use of sloping land.

等高植物篱技术是一种坡耕地上低投入、高收益的保护性耕作和持续利用技术。Contour hedgerow intercropping is regarded as an effective and low-cost technology for conserving farming and sustainable use of sloping land.

牛是实干,拼搏精神的象征,开拓创新,锐新进取,冲破一切潘篱打造全新天地。Ox is hard work, and fighting spirit of symbol, and expand creative, sharp new enterprising, sorriness pan hedgerow create new heaven and earth.

在树篱地带作战的谢曼坦克,最主要的弱点是底部无装甲防护,这一弱点导致谢曼坦克在试图爬越树篱时,特别容易受到德军手持反坦克火箭筒的攻击。A major shortcoming of the Sherman for hedgerow fighting was its unarmored underbelly , which made it particularly vulnerable to the panzerfaust when it tried to climb a hedgerow.

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过了一会儿功夫,卡弗看到莎拉办完事回瑞斯汀沃斯,亲眼看见她将一些药物往灌木篱笆里扔,并在药盒子里换上了其他的药。A short while later, Mrs Carver saw Sarah walking back towards Wrestlingworth and witnessed her throwing some pills into the hedgerow and replacing them in the box with some others.

分析了香根草篱带种植后植被与土壤变化过程,介绍了草篱带建立的方法。Using vetiver grass hedgerow for erosion control on the severely eroded slope land can help the barren eroded hill ecologic system rehabilitation through soil and vegetation restoration.

植物篱种植模式是一种有效的山区水土保持、土壤改良以及多种经营的耕作模式。Hedgerow intercropping is an effective mode of agroforestry for soil and water conservation, soil fertility improvement and multi-purpose management of sloping lands in mountainous regions.