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“真主伟大,”歌手用乌尔杜语唱道。"God is great", chanted the singer in Urdu.

他们将用汉语取代乌尔都语。Not to forget, they will replacing Urdu with Mandarin.

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在乌尔都语中,pai的意思是脚或腿,jamah的意思是衣服。In Urdu pai means foot or leg, while jamah means clothing.

英语、俾路支语、乌尔都语和印度语也经常被使用。English, Baluchi, Urdu and Indian dialects are commonly used.

流利的语言是英文,印度、卡纳达、泰米尔、乌尔都语。Is fluent in the languages English, Hindi, Kannada , Tamil, and Urdu.

帕什图族群与乌尔都语族群矛盾一直不断。Pache Figure ethnic groups and ethnic conflicts have continued in Urdu.

乌尔都语和英语都被作为巴基斯坦的官方语言。Urdu and English are both recognized as the official languages of Pakistan.

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我知道我的很多同事对学习乌尔都语怀有浓厚的兴趣。I know many of my colleagues have keen interests in picking up Urdu language.

安拉地名语音翻译英文和乌尔都文与著名的清真寺背景。Allah Names voice translations in English and Urdu with famous mosques background.

使用该技术干涉的对象包括使用阿拉伯语,波斯语,马尔杜语和朴实图语。The languages in which the interventions are conducted include Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Pashto.

支持希伯来语、阿拉伯语、法斯语和乌尔都语。系统首先必须支持这些语言。Support for Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu languages. System must first support these languages.

但是这本用乌尔都语记录下来的书确是将我和父亲联系起来的最珍贵的纽带。But all the same the book, which is known as a diwan in Urdu , is my fondest link with my father.

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小学生们一改学法语或西班牙语作为第二语言的传统,改学乌耳都语和汉语普通话了。PUPILS may swap their traditional double French or Spanish lessons — for Urdu and Mandarin Chinese.

此结果导致以英语,西班牙语,北印度语,乌尔都语及阿拉伯语为母语的人数出现对等。At that point English, Spanish, Hindi , Urdu and Arabic will have an equal number of native speakers.

第13任中国驻巴大使张春贤能够说一口流利的乌尔都语。My predecessor Mr. Zhang Chunxiang, the 13th Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, is a fluent Urdu speaker.

我没有学会写乌尔都语语,我有一些会说乌尔都语的朋友,有时候他们会读给我听。I didn't really ever learn to write Urdu . I sometimes have friends who can read Urdu read it out to me.

北印度语与巴基斯坦的主要语言,用阿拉伯语手迹写成的乌尔都语相当接近。Hindi is closely related to Urdu , the main language of Pakistan, which is written with the Arabic script.

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“全部的这些导致了许多苦难,”印度乌尔都语通讯社的一位编辑谢赫艾哈迈德如是说。"All this is leading to a lot of bitterness, " said Sheikh Manzoor Ahmed, editor of an Indian Urdu news agency.

两周前,我从当地英文报纸上得知,著名乌尔都语作家、诗人阿卜杜尔·哈米德先生因病辞世。Two weeks ago, I learned from local English newspapers that Mr. Abdul Hamid, a prolific Urdu writer, passed away.

这是很平常看到的普通话服务有人谈话从乌尔都语服务,无论是说英语的人。It is not unusual to see someone from the Mandarin Service talking to someone from the Urdu Service, both speaking English.