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我们应该根据古代汉语中语词的用法等对先秦的名辩学著作做出合理的解释。We should interpret Pre-Qin works of names and argumentation reasonably according to the usages of ancient Chinese, etc.

在中国古代名辩学研究的基础上,可以把这两种方法很好地结合起来。Without comparison and the guidance of modern logic, the historical analysis can not do well in knowing ancient Chinese logic.

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研究结果表明,中国古代的名辩学不同于西方的逻辑学理论。The research suggests that the theory of names and argumentation in ancient China is quite different from Western logic theories.

利用新的工具重新整理名辩学說,从中发现中国古代特有的邏辑理論是完全可能的。With these new tools, we can quite probably discover a specific logic theory in ancient Chinese theory of names and argumentation.

现代学术的发展为解讀先秦名辩学提供了新的视角和新的工具。Contemporary academic development provides new dimensions and new tools for interpreting Pre-Qin theory of names and argumentation.

通过中国古代名辩学研究,把中国古代逻辑放到中国古代特有历史文化氛围之中,有助于更好地认识中国古代逻辑的性质和发展规律。This study put ancient Chinese logic in the context of Chinese inherent culture, and helped to better know the nature and laws of ancient Chinese logic.

先秦时期是辩学发展的高峰时期,其中尤以后期墨家的“辩有胜”为主要代表。The pre-Qin period was the prime time for the study of debate, with the theory of "Debates with Victory" of the late Mohist school as the representative.

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19世纪以来的中国逻辑史研究,比照西方逻辑,仅仅将先秦的名辩学看成是中国逻辑史的主要部分。The Chinese logic history in over 19 centuries studies, contrasting the western logic, only put Mingbian learning of first Qin's as to the main part of Chinese logic history.

在保证论证有效性上,因明与名辩学具有共性,这是它们同属于思维工具学科的前提。The common aim of the Yinming and the Nominalistic doctrine is to guarantee the validity of the argument, which is the premise that they belong to the thinking tools subject.

墨经逻辑是指后期墨家所阐述的名辩学思想,是中国古代最为系统的逻辑学说,标志着中国古代逻辑思想研究的理论高度。Mojing logic is the later Monism's Mingbian thoughts. It is the most systemic logical theory in Chinese ancient civilization. It shows Chinese ancient theory height of logical thoughts research.

19世纪以来的中国逻辑史研究,比照西方逻辑,仅仅将先秦的名辩学看成是中国逻辑史的主要部分。Since the 19th century, the studies of Chinese logic history, comparing with western logic, only consider the logicians' learning of the pre-Qin times the main body in the Chinese logic history.