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志愿军战士们一直在灌木丛中,没有暴露目标。Volunteers were in the bush all the time and didn't let on.

志愿军战士们一直在灌木丛中,没有暴露目标。The Volunteers were in the bush all the time and didn't let on.

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王成是中国人民志愿军的杰出代表。Wang Cheng is an outstanding representative of Chinese people's volunteer army.

鉴于中国人民志愿军也曾参与该战争,中方对这场战争有何评价?And since Chinese People's Volunteer Army took part in it, how do you comment on the war?

23岁时他被任命为志愿军一个骑兵旅的准将。At 23 he became brigadier general of volunteers in command of a Michigan cavalry brigade.

现在与毛时代的工农红军和1950年代朝鲜半岛的志愿军相比发生了巨大变化。It is far from the peasant Army of Mao coming wave after wave into the Korean peninsula in the 1950’s.

随着国防总部实施全志愿军政策,人员的数量增加了。But the personnel share will grow as the Ministry of National Defense implements the all-volunteer army.

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内战时期,特鲁斯在密歇根街道流浪,为黑人志愿军募集食品和衣物。During the Civil War, Truth tramped the roads of Michigan collecting food and clothing for black regiments.

为了抗击外国的侵略,他们自发组成志愿军。For the purpose of fighting against the foreign invasion, they organized spontaneously an army composed of volunteers.

最后,防御基础的建立需要资源,不仅是资金预算,还有人力,特别是军队全部转为志愿军。Finally, the defense establishment needs resources, both budgetary and personnel, particularly with the shift to an all-volunteer army.

不过,志愿军的官兵所穿的胶底帆布鞋,根本就无法为其在朝鲜寒冷的冬雨季节提供保护,许多志愿军官兵的脚都曾经被冻伤。However, their rubber soled canvas shoes provide no protection against the cold and many soldiers feet frozen during the heavy winter rains.

在1950-53年的朝鲜战争中,中国派出三百万志愿军与北朝鲜共同作战,现在中国是朝鲜的主要援助国和贸易伙伴。China sent three million "volunteers" to fight with the North in the 1950-53 Korean War, and is now the country's main aid donor and trade partner.

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内战时期,她为黑人志愿军团募集给备,国内重建时期又忙于帮助自由人。She collected supplies for black regiments during the Civil War and immersed herself in advocating for freedpeople during the Reconstruction period.

这位88岁二战老兵1944年随美军著名的志愿军部队麦利尔突击队参加过缅甸战役,1945年又服役于中国战区作战部队。The 88-year-old World War II veteran fought in Burma in 1944 with Merrill's Marauders, a famous volunteer unit, and served with the Chinese Combat Command in 1945.

还有一项新的转变是军队转成志愿军,这要求将资源由军事投入转到人事上,这也意味着增加防御预算。A new one is the transition to an all-volunteer army, which will require transferring resources from military investment to personnel or increasing the defense budget.

这些所谓的“中国人民志愿军”的阵容中赫然有演员、喜剧明星和摇滚歌星,这些幸运儿都是通过朝鲜体育部拿到票的。Among the members of the so-called "volunteer army" are Chinese actors, comedians, and pop stars lucky enough to have snagged a ticket from the North Korean sports ministry.

接下来的一段本应该由舒特的陆战营提供警戒,但当舒特费劲地攀登上1457高地时发现他所在的位置距离公路很远,并且视野也没有看到志愿军的踪影,因此他向普勒请示撤回公路,并得到了普勒的许可。But Sutter , having begun his climb up Hill 1457 and finding it a long way off and with no enemy in sight, asked Puller's permission, which he received, to return to the road.

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另有五个激进派的学生社团,以及一个保守的宗教组织,上周号召学生加入自杀炸弹志愿军时,另要求政府允许他们对以色列发动自杀炸弹攻击。Five hard-line student groups and a conservative clerical group launched the registration drive for suicide bombers last week and asked the government to allow them to stage the attacks.