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制作人是一名好好先生。The producer is a nice man.

我还是那边的好好先生?。Me or Mr. Goody-Goody over there?

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太多“我一定要招人喜爱”的好好先生了,你的业务注定会趋于平庸。Too many "I must be liked" yes men, and your

不过标准的好好先生仍然不在少数。But standard yes-men are still a dime a dozen.

这是我那好好先生马克送我的33岁生日礼物。This is my 33th birthday present from my lovely hubby.

在采访中这位“好好先生”说起来可真有一套,您认为呢?The Go-To Guy" has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

哦,我们老板可是位好好先生,他会准我假的,没问题。Oh, my boss is Mr. Nice Guy. He'll let me off, I'm sure.

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我是说,你应该不希望一群好好先生围着你。I mean, you obviously don't want 'yes' people around you.

想成为好好先生的一厢情愿往往会成为你的弱点。And the desire to keep everyone happy can become a weakness.

好好先生完成最后一个是与它说了很多道理。Nice guys finish last is a saying with a lot of truth to it.

我不相信竟能惹恼那个“好好先生”。I don't believe that you'll ever be able to peeve the “yes-man.”

也许正因为他不像米老鼠一样是个好好先生,不久,唐老鸭这个卡通形象比米老鼠更受大家的欢迎。Mouse himself, probably because he wasnt a goodygoody like Mickey.

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但我们还是会说,在伦敦会晤他们之后,他们的确是好好先生。We'd still say they're nice guys after meeting up with both of them in London.

即“对任何人的建议或陈述都说是的人”,所以引申为“唯唯是若的人”“好好先生”。A yesman is a man who always says "yes" to everybody's suggestion or statement.

太多“我一定要招人喜爱”的好好先生了,你的业务注定会趋于平庸。Too many "I must be liked" yes men, and your business could be doomed to mediocrity.

你不能在一开始就自满地告诉自己“嗨,我将成为好好先生。”You can’t start off by complacently tellingyourself, ‘‘I’m going to be Mr. Nice Guy.’’

丹瑞大将的难题之一是,他身边充斥着腐败的官员以及对其唯马首是瞻的好好先生。One of the general's problems is that he is surrounded by corrupt officers and “Yes” men.

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那些决定取消芭蕾演出的人是在沿袭他们政府好好先生的先例。Those who took the decision to pull the ballet were following their government's accommodating precedents.

她把自己重塑为一个走中间路线的“好好先生”,与重要的保守派共同支持议案。She has remodelled herself as an impeccably centrist senator, co-sponsoring bills with prominent conservatives.

各位好好先生/女士们要记住,要有领袖气质、要有野心,还要有决断力,那样人们才会尊重你。Remember Mr. Nice guy or woman, be a leader, be ambitious, and be assertive and then and only will people respect you.