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这被称为原子能的连锁反应。That is called the nuclear chain reaction.

原子能是现存的最大能源。Nuclear energy is the bigest energy in the extant.

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德黑兰坚持表示国际原子能机构的指控纯属捏造。Tehran insists the agency’s allegations are fabricated.

原子光谱的研究能给出原子能级信息。Investigation of atomic spectra yields atomic energy levels.

有各种不同形式的能,原子能是其中之一。Thereare different forms of energy, one of which is atomic energy.

中国国家原子能机构主任陈求发代表中国在协议上签了字。China Atomic Energy Authority Chairman Chen Qiufa signed for China.

应检附行政院原子能委员会同意文件。Approval from the Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan is required.

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位于卡拉姆的英国原子能管理局已经制定了一个激光核聚变电厂的系列规划。Plans for a laser fusion plant have been drawn up at UKAEA in Culham.

很多年以前,美国原子能委员会就开发了高效微粒空气过滤器。America's Atomic Energy Commission developed HEPA filters many years ago.

国际原子能协会对此项协议的赞同也是促成其通过的一个重要条件。The IAEA's approval of the plan is a key condition for enacting the deal.

仅仅提高国际原子能机构核查违反保障机制做法的能力还不够。Improving the IAEA’s ability to detect safeguard violations is not enough.

伊朗原子能组织在当时是政府资助的最大项目。AEOI was in those days one of the most heavily funded programs in the country.

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世卫组织和原子能机构在抗击癌症方面负有共同的使命,两者相辅相成。WHO and the IAEA have complementary mandates when it comes to fighting cancer.

天野之弥说,国际原子能机构将在10月间,和叙利亚官员就这项问题举行会晤。Amano said IAEA staff will meet with Syrian officials on the matter in October.

其拆除及处理结果,应报由原子能委员会检查。The results of disassembling or disposal must be reported to AEC for inspection.

硫原子能吸附有毒的水银,用它们覆盖住每一个微小的洞。Sulfur atoms, which can bind poisonous mercury, coat each of the minuscule holes.

这个名称来自于原子能于核、或者原子核这样的事实。A special kind of chemical energy is nuclear energy, sometimes called atomic energy.

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以色列反对党领导人列文尼说,国际原子能机构的报告明确显示了伊朗的企图。Opposition leader Tzipi Livni said the IAEA report makes clear where Iran is heading.

从1947年至1962年原子能委员会统治着这个城镇。The Atomic Energy Commission governed the town from 1947 to 1962. Population, 11,039.

国际原子能机构将七级描述为特大事故。The International Atomic Energy Agency described an accident ranked 7 as a major one.