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他们知道了炎帝和黄帝。They knew Huang emperor and Yan emperor.

传说蚩尤部落为了扩大自己的地盘,同炎帝部落发生了战争。Legend has it that the Jiuli attacked Yandi's tribe.

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中华民族的始祖炎帝以及舜帝,也安寝在湖南。Emperor Yan and Emperor Shun are all buried in Hunan.

炎帝不仅管太阳,还管五谷和药材。Yan not only, still tube tube sun grain and medicine.

因此蚩尤与炎帝、黄帝可并称为中华文明的三大始祖。So we call Chiyou, Huangdi and Yandi our three ancestors.

炎帝在谁的帮助下击溃了九黎族?With whose help did Yan Emperor beat the Jiuli nationality?

这其实是炎帝小女儿的化身,名叫女娃。This is in fact the embodiment of Yandi daughter, named baby girl.

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黄帝和炎帝的联合破裂后,谁取得了胜利?Who got win after the alliance break between Huang and Yan Emperor?

相传炎帝为其母感应“神龙首”而生。According to legend, his mother, Yan response "dragon head" was born.

据说炎帝神农发现茶叶可以用来解毒。Emperor Yan Shennong found tea leaf can be used to deal with poisons.

太阳神炎帝有一个小女儿,名叫女娃,是他最钟爱的女儿。There is a little sun yan named little girl, is his favorite daughter.

炎帝与谁为首领的什么族发生战争?Which clan did Yan Emperor fight against? Who was the leader of that clan?

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根据文献记载,宝鸡是炎帝部落的发祥地。According to the historical document, Baoji is the birthplace of Yandi tribe.

中国人常说自己是“炎黄子孙”,这个说法跟传说中的人物黄帝和炎帝有关。Chinese people often refer to themselves as "descendants of Yandi and Huangdi".

葬在“长沙茶乡之尾”炎帝陵的是第一代炎帝。The Yen Di buried at the end of Chaxiang County of Changaha is the first generation.

生炎帝,人身牛首,长于姜水,因以我焉。Health and Yan Emperor, personal ox, longer than the ginger water, because to me Yan.

神农,又名炎帝,发明了犁耙、铲子、和镰刀。Shennong alias Yandi was credited with the invention of the rake, spade, plough and sickle.

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炎帝神农果然在一夜间造成了三座排空的天柱峰,怀中抱着一座石莲。Yan Emperor Shen Nong was caused in a night-time emptying the three, with a bosom Shek Lin.

在远古的黄河流域,有一个部落的首领叫炎帝。In the ancient time near the Yellow River, there was a tribe. Its leader called Yan Emperor.

你忘了,这炎帝神农氏是古时候羌族的首领。Don't you forget that Shennong, the Yan Emperor, was the chief of the ancient Qiang tribesmen.