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我预祝本届年会取得成功!I look forward to a successful meeting.

本届奥斯卡似乎可以说是躲过一劫。The Oscars appear to have dodged a bullet.

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本届全市中学队锦标赛将进行循环赛。for all the high school teams in the city.

在本届杯赛上,他就是要卓越超群。He’ll strain every sinew at this World Cup.

本届纽约时装周将与周四结束。New York Fashion Week runs through Thursday.

在本届女足世界杯上,德国击败巴西,蝉联冠军。Germany retained the Women's World Cup title.

为本届大运会圆满成功To the success of the 26th Summer Universiade

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你通过参加本届中国杯收获了什么?What have you gained from the China Cup 2011?

这也是法比亚诺在本届世界杯的第3粒入球。It was Fabiano's third goal at this World Cup.

本届大选对于民主党来说又是一次难逢的良机。This is again an opportunity for the Democrats.

预祝本届部长级会议圆满成功!I wish this ministerial conference full success.

最后,预祝本届年会取得圆满成功!In conclusion, I wish this meeting every success.

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亚伊的本届总统任期将于今年4月5日结束。Yai's current term will end on April 5 this year.

范尼会不会成为本届欧洲杯的最佳射手?Can Van Nistelrooy finish as the Euro's top scorer?

马克•让将在本届中国金融高峰会演讲。Marc Uzan will make speech at China Finance Summit.

下面我向大家介绍本届广交会的主要情况。Now I'd like to brief you on the 106th Canton Fair.

你以什么身份参加本届中国杯?In what capacity were you on board in this China Cup?

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2008年的一些大片也“跻身”本届金酸莓奖。Some of 2008's biggest blockbusters also got Razzies.

至此,中国队已轻松包揽本届奥运会的全部4枚双人跳水金牌。China has now claimed all 4 synchronized diving golds.

本届车展受到参观者交口称赞。This year's auto exhibition received unanimous acclaim.