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翼形螺母的俯视图。Top view of wing nut.

旋开锁住盘片的螺母。Unscrew the disc-locking nut.

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一些摆锤下面有螺母。Some bobs have a nut under them.

舵栓要用螺母安装。Rudder pintle to be fitted with nut.

火花塞和加工保留螺母。Sparkplug and machined retaining nut.

你可以用扳手来松这个螺母。You can use a spanner to loosen the nut.

黄铜镀金,镀银上镀铑,厚螺母,信号插座。Silver plate. Thick Brass nut, Gold plate.

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把气缸盖上的螺母上紧。Tighten up the nuts on the cylinder cover.

螺栓与螺母均采用热镀锌处理。Bolts and nuts are used galvanized processing.

难啊,就连螺丝螺母都是中国产的,怎么抵制。Difficult as even nuts n bolts r made in China.

我们一转动螺母,就会升高或降低摆锤。When we turn the nut, we raise or lower the bob.

黄铜镀金,镀银上镀铑,厚螺母,信号插座。Rhodium over silver plate. Brass nut, Gold plate.

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因此螺杆、螺母的设计依据是耐磨性。So screw , nut design is based on wear resistance.

可采用双螺母、防松动垫圈、点焊等。Double nuts, unti-loose washers, tack welding , etc.

将地脚螺栓连接板用螺母紧固。Fix the connection plate of foundation bolt with nut.

为托架螺母和芯轴上的磨损提供五年的质保期。Five-year warranty for wear on support nuts and spindles.

肉丸、鱼丸、汤丸、种子、螺母等。Such as fish pellet, meat pellet, seeds, nut etc granule.

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把小棒插入夹头,拧紧夹头螺母。Insert the pin into the collet and tighten the collet nut.

手轮下面是一个六角形外螺纹横膈膜止动螺母。The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut.

应用于塑胶熔接、埋植螺母、铆接等。Applied to plastic welding, preparetions nut, riveting, etc.