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小行星Lutetia许多年来一直是个迷。Lutetia has been a mystery for many years.

把机器人送往太空中,然后捕获一颗小行星,接着将其带回地球的轨道之中。PASADENA, Calif. —Send a robot into space.

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水已被发现在小行星。Water has already been found on asteroids.

双月中较小的一个属于轻量级小行星,而另一个体积是它的3倍,重量是它的25倍。The smaller one was a planetary lightweight.

小行星有三种类型。Thereare three different types of asteroids.

这颗小行星需要花238年绕太阳运行一周。This asteroid takes 238 years to orbit the sun.

编号为2012号小行星被命名为“郭守敬星”。Asteroid 2012 Guo Shou-Jing was named after him.

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小行星会在不到一天的时间内撞击地球。The asteroid would hit Earth in less than a day.

陨击造成小行星的短暂类彗星现象。Collisions caused comet-like behaviors in asteroids.

载克太1号是迄今发现的首颗小行星卫星。Dactyl is the first moon of an asteroid ever discovered.

如果没有小行星,就不会有灭绝了吗?If there were no asteroids would there be no extinctions?

舒尔茨·马库奇说,“小行星冲撞或者超新星爆发都能威胁到我们。Asteroid impact can threaten us, or a supernova explosion.

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高斯高炉不再使用小行星的旅游效应。Gauss Blast no longer uses asteroid for its travel effect.

陨石是掉落地球的小行星残骸。Meteorites are asteroid fragments that fall to the ground.

而天文学家知道这些云状物最终将凝结成大小行星。Astronomers know these condense into planets and asteroids.

他们同样可以在像小行星这样的近地物体的提取样本。They could similarly sample near-Earth objects like asteroids.

赫尔方接着补充道,追踪小行星只是调查的第一步。Helfand added that tracking an asteroid is just the first step.

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这束X射线的强度暗示,它具有小行星的质量。The x-ray intensity suggests it had the mass of a small planet.

G5KW星域的小行星带刷新问题已经提交。An asteroid seeding issue in the G5KW region has been addressed.

更多的关于小行星和近体天体的信息请参阅For more information about asteroids and near-Earth objects, visit