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你不要再出那些赚钱的馊主意了!Not another of your dotty ideas for making money!

由于你的馊主意,我们跑了不少冤枉路。We went the long way, thanks to your rotten idea.

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在那里装一个运动监测器肯定不会是一个馊主意。It’s not a bad idea to put motion detectors up there too.

让我们详细看一下其中一些最愚蠢的馊主意。Let's look at some of the most troubling ideas in detail.

安全门上锁是谁的馊主意?Whose hare-brained idea was it to padlock the fire exits?

可是这次他让我买那个电脑公司的股票却是个馊主意。But the computer company stock he told me to buy was a lemon.

什么馊主意!我想还是给我们中国省点水吧!What a terrible idea! I think I'll just keep on saving China's water!

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因此对于塞米·索萨来说,在棒球里填充软木是个馊主意——因为他曾试过这样作弊被抓。So a corked bat is a bad idea for Sammy Sosa, who got caught using one.

她一无所知,老出馊主意,对流行时尚一窍不通。She offers up silly advice and is clueless about the latest fashion rage.

洋基认为这是个锦囊妙计,不过让我来告诉你为什麽那是个馊主意。The Yankees think this is a good idea, but let me tell you why it is a bad idea.

但把失业救济延长到超过六个月这一标准长度,则是一个馊主意。But extending unemployment benefits beyond the standard six-month limit is a bad idea.

这样的话,类似的馊主意就会在另一个制片人的脑子里面诞生,然后这样的循环周而复始。When that happens, a similarly bad idea is born in the mind of another producer, and the cycle continues.

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但我的工作同样也包括帮助他们放弃那些馊主意,以及大部分的好主意。But it is also my job to help them kill off all the bad ideas we generate, and most of the good ideas, too.

确实,不管是从外交角度还是创造就业角度来看,“买美货”都是一个馊主意。Indeed, whether it is from the point of view of diplomacy or of job creation, “Buy American” is a terrible idea.

对于坚称那是个馊主意而被“卷入新闻系列报道”的总统,奥巴马仅仅显示了克制的能力。For a president who insists it’s a bad idea to get “caught up in the news cycle, ” Obama has just shown a knack for controlling it.

他认为这个设想是“典型的因特网馊主意产儿”,因为他怀疑买家到底会不会买自己没有试穿过的鞋子。The concept, he thought, was "the poster child of bad Internet ideas," because he doubted shoppers would buy shoes they couldn't try on.

这些要求,一些只不过是会严重损害经济的馊主意,例如大幅增加公共基建开支。Some of these demands are merely horrible ideas that would injure the economy severely — such as the huge expansion of public infrastructure.

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这就好像把自己浇上汽油用火点着去解决违约问题一样,我要说这似乎是个馊主意。It is as if the solution to a default involves dousing yourself in gasoline and lighting yourself on fire. May I suggest that this is perhaps a bad idea.

闻道提出想学厉害的功夫强攻正行,让他开口,于是那自称是“少林三杰”的三个和尚,出着各种馊主意。Smell, want to learn the bad kungfu bang is line is put forward, let him speak, and the claim to be shaolin three jie three monks, out of the various bad idea.