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完全是庸人自扰。It was much ado about nothing.

她对她的健康有点庸人自扰。She fusses too much about her health.

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我会告诉自己,不要再庸人自扰了。I would tell myself not to think of it any more.

事实上,很少人会“庸人自扰”。In fact, most people don't complain frivolously.

这样做没有什么好处,何必庸人自扰?。There was no advantage in doing so, so why bother?

多愁多虑,多烦多恼,都是庸人自扰。Much worry much bother much troubles, are all much ado about nothing.

平静---勿因小事或者常见或不可避免的意外事件而庸人自扰。Tranquility---Do not be disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

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又或者你觉得这些都是庸人自扰,还有,就是我这样的家伙快把你逼疯了?Or do you think this is all too nitpicky, and that it is folks like me who make you crazy?

这种庸人自扰的虚假辩疑,实际上是一件很有趣的事情。The pseudocontempt displayed by this fussing about is, actually, something quite interesting.

也许你自视不庸人自扰,但这是我们现在和曾经所拥有的一切。Perhaps you see yourself as above this futility, but it's all we've got and all we've ever had.

今天乃是我们惟一可以生存时间。我们不要庸人自扰。Today is the only thing we can survival time. We don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

记住,许多庸人自扰的问题,都是来自我们过去所吸收的烂知识中,因发酵而生的。Listen! Many needlessly worried problems fermented in and from the bad knowledge that we have absorbed.

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做一个简单的人,踏实而务实。不沉溺幻想。不庸人自扰。Do a simple person, practical and pragmatic. Don't indulge fantasy. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

锻炼能帮助我们避免庸人自扰的情绪——那些让我们烦恼并且不开心的鸡毛蒜皮的小事。Exercising helps us not to sweat the small stuff—the little things that annoy us and take us off track from happiness.

我也有悲痛过,然而一想起你的事情,我就觉得我的那些所谓“痛苦”,其实是庸人自扰。I’ve also felt sad some time, but when I think of you, I will regard those “sad matters” as nothing to feel sad about.

许多人为琐事花费大量精力,庸人自扰,以至于他们无法感受到生活的魅力与美好。Many people spend so much of their life energy " sweating the small stuff"that they completely lose touch with the magic and beauty of life.

但是万幸的是,她接受了我的道歉,而且我向她保证两个人不在一起的时候绝不想东想西,庸人自扰。Later I have known she's been ill. Fortunately for me, she accepted my apology and I promised her not to think anything stupid when were not together.

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被过高的晚餐账单困扰,无论是在此之前还是在此期间,要么你想被形容成一个不能尽情享受约会的庸人自扰者,要么就是一个吝啬鬼。Obsessing over the price of dinner, before, during, or afterward either paints you as a worrywart who isn't enjoying the date — or a cheapskate who isn't enjoying the date.

此外,我还学习了域名、博客、主机方面的知识,因为我知道如果有必要的话我会二次搬家,但这次我会充满信心,不再像这次一样虚度光阴、庸人自扰。I have also increased my knowledge on domains, Wordpress and hosting. I know that if it were necessary I would move again, with confidence, and not dawdle and create uncertainty as I did this time.