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你有得过什么奖励或者奖状么?Do you have any awards or commendations?

猜测正确的孩子将赢得一个奖状。Children who guessed right won a sticker prize.

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胜利队伍将由外语部颁发奖状每人一张。Winning teams will be awarded with a certificate.

拿到奖状的时候我们都很开心。Attains the certificate time we very are all happy.

老师给那位学生发了一张奖状。The teacher presented the student a awarding paper.

获颁奖座、奖状及现金礼券。Awarded with trophies , certificates and cash coupons.

颁发奖状是市长的工作之一。One of the mayor's jobs is the presentation of prizes.

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她把“全优”的奖状颁发给了阿尔法。"Miss Blythe gave Alf the prize for "Best All-Rounder.

曾连续2学期被评为优秀团员并获得了奖状。I am the outstanding member in continuous two seminars.

我们拥有一张全世界颁发的奖状喔!We own an international prize awarded by the whole world!

取我从前所得的奖状、金牌、金手表来给我。Show me my awards, my medals, that gold watch I was given.

而后,休斯和史密斯因英勇行为被授予奖状。Hughes and Smith were later given commendations for bravery.

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她向女学生卡罗琳·塔克颁发了英勇奖状。She presented a bravery award to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker.

副市长邓群芳为获奖者颁发了奖状。Vice Mayor Deng Qunfang delivered the awards to the recipients.

各得奖者将获颁发奖状一张。A certificate of merit will also be awarded to each winning participant.

累积下来的奖状和各方面的证书就有一大堆。Accumulates the certificate and various aspects certificate has a big pile.

最后,李主任还为表现优异的选手颁发了证书和奖状。Mr. Li also participated in the distribution of awards & player certificates.

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本周将颁发本学期作文比赛之奖状及奖座。The awards for the NWCS Chinese Writing Contest will be distributed this week.

所有首次申请人将免费收到一张DXCC奖状和一个胸牌。All first time applicants will receive one free DXCC certificate and lapel pin.

令人奇怪的是,约翰逊从来没有因为他在韩国战场上的英勇行为荣获奖状,勋章或其它荣誉。Somewhat surprisingly, Johnson was never decorated for his heroic actions in Korea.