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我听得是小道消息。I heard it through the grapevine.

那个故事我是从小道消息听到的。I heard the story through the grapevine.

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一条绘声绘色的小道消息正在传来传去。A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.

他说,“我打听来的小道消息。”" And he said, "Oh, I heard it on the grapevine.

这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。All this scuttle butt was laughed off as nonsense.

当地的小道消息是,Battulga和俄罗斯人相互勾结。The local gossip is that Battulga is in cahoots with the Russians.

这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。These hearsay are treated as nonsense and push it away with a smile.

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我只是通过小道消息听说的,这个人并没有亲自告诉过我。I dont know. Ive heard it through the grapevine, the man hasnt told me himself.

不要听任何小道消息,此刻传闲话的人越来越多了。Don't believe anything through the grapevine. There are more and more gossipers.

不要让你的亲人或朋友给小道消息给媒体。Never have family or friends give quotes to the press. Handle your own business.

据小道消息说,另一个巨大的呆账循环更是无止境。There are rumors around the country that another big round of write-offs is imminent.

在很多组织中,“小道消息”基本上还可能扮演着一种建设性的角色。In many organizations the ‘grapevine’ probably plays, on the whole, a constructive role.

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不能仅凭小道消息来投资---如果你知道有多少人都这么干的话,你会很惊讶。Never invest solely on a tip. You would be surprised how many investors do exactly this.

这个例子是比较极端,小道消息的来源,我们也不要追究。This is an extreme case comparatively. We also needn’t to trace the source of the gossips.

他们懒散地围坐在一起下中国象棋,吸着烟,并相互传播着最新的小道消息。They sit in cosy huddles playing Chinese games, smoking, and eexchanging the latest gossip.

与此同时,在IASB,小道消息称伊恩·麦金托什被内定为大卫爵士的接班人。At IASB, meanwhile, Ian Mackintosh is whispered to have the inside track to replace Sir David.

嘿,老伙计,我听小道消息说你要结婚了,是真的吗?Hey, old buddy, I heard it through the grapevine that you are getting married. Can that be true?

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根据小道消息,在salesforce.com向敏捷的大转变中,这项指标就是该公司使用的主要指标之一。Anecdotally, this was one of the prime metrics that put in place during its bigbang

但在另一方面,小道消息作为组织中“民意”的晴雨表是有价值的。On the other hand, the grapevine is valuable as a barometer of ‘public opinion’ in the organization.

小道消息称,陈晓旭已遵守佛教的清规戒律达七年之久。An unconfirmed source adds that Chen Xiaoxu has been following the Buddhist life credo for seven years.