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那本书的包皮纸丢了。The book has lost its jacket.

欧洲人则使用了几百年的养皮纸。Europeans used parchment for many hundreds of year.

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白皙的手指轻巧地解开绳子、敏捷地撕开了包皮纸。White fingers and nimble tore at the string and oaoer.

南洋树皮纸是种非织造织物,是通过把树皮挤压成薄皮而制成的。Tapa cloth is an unwoven fabric made by pounding bark into a thin sheet.

信封厂使用很多不同类型的纸张,从顶级的犊皮纸到牛皮纸。Envelope factories use many different types of paper, from top quality vellum to craft paper.

外包装盒用的是不合格的劣质皮纸或其他材质。With the outer packing box is not qualified intricately worked leather or other material to inferior.

切忌使用塑料袋密封,可用牛皮纸、皮纸等通透性较好的包装材料进行包装储存。Some materials with good air permeability such as kraft papers and bast papers are suitable for packing and storage.

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HM-1350是我们公司开发的一种特别适用于切割重型书皮纸、纸板和卡片纸板的专用机器。HM-1350 , invented by ourselves company, are specially used to cutting the heavy book cover , paperboards and card paperboards.

黄厚纸板、红硬纸板、PVC板、白卡纸、鸡皮纸、纤维中底板以及塑胶板等。Yellow thick paper board, red hard paper board, PVC board, ivory cardboard, sulphite paper, insole fiberboard and plastic board, etc.

慢慢地,达恩合上了书,把他颤抖的双手放在粗糙的皮纸封面上。他得告诉他父亲。Very slowly, Dagen closed the texts, placing his trembling hands upon the intricately worked leather cover. He would have to tell his father.

在那个年代,按照惯例,毕业生——博洛也是其中之一——会被授予一双熏香过的手套,而不像现在,得到一张可以挂到墙上的上等皮纸文书。At the time it was customary instead of presenting a sheet of vellum to hang on the wall to present graduates like Borough with a pair of perfumed gloves.

七本新书都是由罗琳亲自手写,并附上罗琳的插图手稿,内页是半透明的上等皮纸,并以镶有珠宝的皮革封面。Each copy of the book is handwritten and illustrated by Rowling on translucent vellum paper as well as being leather bound and covered with silver and jewels.

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溥佐先生画画时用纸不同,一般工笔画多使用熟宣纸,写意画多使用生宣纸中的皮纸,他比较喜欢用那类比较柔软的皮纸。Smith and file paper vary, but generally the use of many familiar Painting paper, draw freehand Health paper use fur in the same paper as he prefer the relatively soft, the same paper as the fur.