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有意识的肉块!Conscious meat!

她是一个有意识的梦想者。She is a conscious dre amer.

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有意识的自我对话。Become aware of your self-talk.

更有意识地控制会议进程More consciously passing the conch

保持对你的行为有意识。Be aware of your actions atall times.

我是有意识地迁到这丁城市来的。I moved to this city with my eyes open.

定时地有意识地保持联系吧。Stay in touch with regularity and intent.

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试一试按照这个姿势有意识地走动几步。Give it a shot. Walk and move with purpose.

我心中存着一个有意识的念头The one conscious thought by my mind possessed

他有意识地在克服自己的缺点。He is consciously trying to overcome his weakness.

我在编程时不会有意识地去想该做什么。I'm not really thinking that much about it consciously.

他们并不有意识地把自己当作一个阶层来看待。They do not consciously think of themselves as a class.

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你透过有意识的意想正在预报这个新时代。You are heralding this era through conscious intention.

她的声音时起时落,有意识地用着一种甜美的唱腔。Her voice rises, falls, in a consciously sweet singsong.

我们需要培育更加有意识的政治领导集团。We need to foster a greater sense of political leadership.

那么当他们成长,他们心灵中的有意识部分--自我then as they grew up,the concious part of their minds,the ego

但是这需要一个有意识的拥有时间和精力的承诺。But this takes a conscious commitment of both time and energy.

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有意识的考虑一下,你良好的直觉对你说了什么?Think about it mindfully, what does your gut instinct tell you?

有意识的,人就会感受到两只手都是自己的。Consciously people experience this as both hands being their own.

对了,潜意识比有意识深入。Correct. The subconscious mind is deeper than the conscious mind.